I've noticed that the amount of support spells went down rapidly since launch, so I'm gonna blurt out some ideas for more or less pure support class that could become a capable healer, or a weapons oriented damage dealer. Heavy attacks are buffed so player feels less discouraged to take support abilities instead of damage dealing ones.
Bard is centered around buffs (both to himself and to the group) so there is minimum class abilities that deal damage. Also, all spells are cast centered on caster, so Bard needs to position himself in the thick fight, often risking his hide for someone else's sake.
Skill tree:
I Entertainment (lute)
- emphasis on miscelanous buffs and CC
R -
Burst of Joy
-> Removes all movement impairing effects in 20m radius around caster and makes affected allies immune to them as long as they stay in area of effect. Last until caster performs another action. Chanelled (character is playing a lively song with lute for the entire time).
Spirit of Joy
-> Summons a spirit of a deceased bard to perform the song for you. Lasts 20 seconds. (Spirit is stationary and can be killed)
Dance of Joy
-> Caster can move without breaking the chanelling. (Gotta get running animation while playing lute for this though

1 -
-> Strikes target enemy with a whip (20m range), dealing 1.5x WeaponDamage and reducing his movement speed by 30% for 10 seconds.
Disarming Lash
-> Has a 25% chance of knocking off enemy's weapon ( = enemy must get down to pick it up, works pretty much like knockdown for 2 seconds)
Whip Choke
-> Adds an IMPALE synergy. Whip wraps around the enemy, immobilizing it for up to 5 seconds (caster can't do anything for 5 sec, unless he doesn't care synergy activation window disappears). In this window, ally can activate IMPALE synergy which deals high damage to the enemy.
2 -
Encouraging Song
-> Buffs allies around caster, making their first attack in 10 seconds deal 25% more damage.
Nerves of Steel
-> The first damage taken in 10 seconds is reduced by 50%.
Pre-battle Rush
-> Increases movement speed of affected allies by 25% for 10 seconds or until they deal damage.
3 -
-> Sacrifices 20% of your maximum magicka to restore 10% of your maximum magicka to every affected ally.
Energizing Rhapsody
-> Also increases your magicka regeneration by 20% for 10 seconds.
Magnificent Solo
-> Increases your stamina regeneration by 20% for 10 seconds.
4 -
-> For 30 seconds caster becomes gradually harder to hit by physical attacks, increasing dodge chance by 5% every 2 seconds.
Drunken Fist
-> If caster successfully dodges an attack, enemy has 25% chance of being thrown off balance.
-> Caster has 25% chance of dodging physical and magical single target attacks for 30 seconds.
5 -
Lover's Kiss
-> Target enemy turns on his allies ( - in PvP target can now hit his allies.. "accidentally") for 10 seconds.
-> Target also takes 15% increased damage for the duration.
Poisoned Lips
-> Target also suffers poison DoT.
- Increases the amount of stamina and magicka generated by heavy attacks by 10/20%.
- Eating food and drinking beverages is 15/30% more effective.
- Damage dealth by critical hits is increased by 10/20%.
- Decreases the chance of being hit by enemy attacks by 5/10% for 30 minutes after drinking alcohol.
II Warsong (drums)
- emphasis on combat utility and performance
R -
-> Increases attack speed of allies in 20m radius by 20% for 15 seconds. Caster is immobile. Chanelled (character is violently beating drums in insane rhythms)
Battle March
-> Caster can move around while chanelling. Also increases movement speed of all affected players by 15%.
Drums of War
-> Also increases heavy weapon damage by 20% for the duration.
1 -
Improvised Strike
-> Strike with your weapon in melee range (bash animation), dealing 1,2x WeaponDamage and stunning and throwing enemy off balance for 3 seconds.
Desperate Bash
-> Adds more power into the strike, dealing 20% more damage and knocking the target 5m away and down for 5 seconds (instead of stun+offbalance)
Improvised Slash
-> Affects all enemies in front of you.
2 -
Battle Focus
-> Toggle: Increases heavy attack damage by 20% while reducing light attack damage by 30%.
6th Sense
-> Also detects nearby stealthed players.
Battle Insight
-> Every 10 seconds your light attack deals damage equal to heavy attack and has 25% chance of throwing enemy off balance.
3 -
Lucky Shot
-> Shoots a crossbow for 1x heavy attack damage (instantly). If the enemy is hit from behind, deals double damage. (this attack has 25% increased chance to critically hit)
Miracle Shot
-> Shooting from behind while stealthed also stuns the enemy for 5 seconds and throws him off balance.
Finishing Shot
-> Deals up to 300% increased damage depending how low enemy health is. (ability uses stamina)
4 -
Battle Command
-> Passive: Increases stamina and health of allies within 30m by 15%. Active: Increases stamina regeneration by 20% for 10 seconds.
Attack Command
-> adds TO BATTLE synergy for the active effect - Reduces the Stamina cost of abilities of all affected allies by 20% for 10 seconds.
Defend Command
-> adds TURTLE UP synergy for the active effect - Reduces the Stamina cost of defensive actions (block, roll dodge) by 30% for 10 seconds.
5 -
-> 1,2 second cast time, caster centered 15m radius. Hit the drum so loud that enemies around you have their movement speed reduced by 70% for 5 seconds.
Loud Drum
-> Enemies also cover their ears in pain, becoming unable to use their weapons and abilities for the duration. (enemies are then deaf for 30 seconds, becoming immune to this ability)
Thundering Drum
-> Enemies in 10m radius are knocked down and thrown off balance for 3 seconds.
- Increase heavy attack damage by 15/30%.
- Increase attack speed by 5/10%.
- Roll Dodge distance increased by 25/50%.
- Enemies damaged by bard skills have 5/10% chance of missing, throwing them off balance instead.
III Ballad (flute)
- emphasis on healing and magic
R -
-> Increases healing taken by allies in 20m radius by 20% for 15 seconds. Caster is immobile. Channeled (character is playing a sad song on flute)
Remember the Fallen
-> Rise Again synergy: A single ally who has died while affected by Remembrance can be instantly resurrected with 50% health, stamina and magicka.
Funeral March
-> Caster can move around while channeling. Also decreases damage taken by affected players by 15%.
1 -
-> Heals the target with lowest health for a large amount.
-> Adds I CAN DO THIS synergy: Healed ally can activate synergy to reduce damage taken by 20% for 10 seconds.
Peace of Mind
-> Additionally heals for the same amount over 12 seconds.
2 -
-> Allies around you are shielded for 25% of their maximum health.
Paragon of Hope
-> Targets are also healed for 25-50% of the shield strength based on their distance from caster.
-> While shields hold, allies deal 15% more damage. (ability costs stamina)
3 -
-> Puts target into magically induced sleep for 15 seconds.
Deadly Lullaby
-> Attack that wakes the sleeping target deals double damage.
Bad Dreams
-> Target also loses 0,5x SpellDamage health each 2 seconds. This damage does not wake target up.
4 -
-> Toggle: Increases healing done by 15% but reduces damage done by 30%.
Purifying Tears
-> Healing spells also cost 10% less magicka.
Lasting Sadness
-> All healing spells with a duration last 15% longer (adds tick(s) for HoTs)
5 -
-> Swaps positions with ally with lowest health.
Willing Sacrifice
-> Also heals target you've swapped with for 30% of your remaining health. (your health is not consumed)
Protector of the Weak
-> For 5 seconds after swapping positions you take 50% less damage from Area of Effect abilities.
- increases healing done by 4/8%.
- decreases magicka costs by 4/8%.
- increases spell critical chance by 3/6%
- decreases the cost of sprinting in combat by 12,5/25%.
Finishing Shot and Opportunity are the only morphs using stamina.. Opportunity would probably be the first group absorb shield to use Stamina to cast it.
Example of Support Damage dealer:
R Drums of War, unless you rather take guild/vampire ultimate for more actual dps
1 Finishing Shot (finisher)
2 <weapon ability>
3 Opportunity (active shield+buff)
4 Battle Insight (toggle)
5 Attack Command (passive + active buff)
Support builds can be too many to even pick..