Wicked_Wolf wrote: »Very strange. I understand having lower fps in and around towns, I can deal with that. But fps shouldn't be dropping so low outside in the world or inside dungeons. I am sure turning the settings down would help but I really am not doing that. I built this PC this way for a reason lol. I've never had to turn anything down before. Besides, even with the draw distance maxed, it still is surprisingly low in terms of what you can see in the distance.
SapphireThunder wrote: »I have noticed this too.
My PC is like this:
AMD FX-8350 4.2Ghz
MSI Gaming 4G GeForce GTX 970
a general 1Tb + 250Gb hdd (no SSD, yet)
8Gb 1600Mhz DDR3 (soon to be upgraded to 16Gb once I get money)
~15-30ms 4G mobile connection, with around ~50 Down and 15 Up (to EU Megaserver, my latency is around 90-100ms)
I'm barely running 50-60fps in most places with almost exact same settings.
DogFaceInBananaPatch wrote: »You shouldn't either. That's not great but certainly not awful specs.
I have "somewhat" similar specs and stay around 100FPS (everything Ultra/Max) and the worst may go down to ~90... and your card is MUCH better then mine. Something odd is going on.
I don't know for certain if coding is messy. But if it is the culprit, it most certainly can be re-coded. Final Fantasy 14 had to re-code the whole game after a horrible launch. Unless a ton of people start complaining, player numbers fall, and ZoS was made to rethink either shutting down or re-coding. Only then would it most likely happen and I don't see that happening soon.nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »From what I have read here and other forums, this issue will never "Get Better".
The issues are here because of how the game has been coded. No amount of hardware upgrades on their end will help out.
No amount of hardware upgrades on top end user systems will help it out.
The only way things could improve would be for the game to re written... I truly can't see that happening.
There may be a slight improvement when the console version is released and a portion of the Pc crowd goes to the Console servers, but it will not be a fix.
Note: this is based on what I have read on-line.... And we all know that not everything is factual on line.
Although this would explain why there has never been an improvement in lag in areas such as Cryrodiil.
It's unfortunate but I am having the feelings that for all the Beauty and Pageantry that E.S.O. has brought to the table, the underlying framework has been flawed from the start.
Dekken_Blake wrote: »Its the same for me. I posted this in another forum. My FPS will drop from 60 to 42-ish. It seems to be near the center of towns, regardless of the population. It happens to me inside keeps as well. If I sit in the center of a town it seems like my FPS will climb back up to 60 and stay there until I leave and come back.
The only thing that seems to stop it is dragging the draw distance slider to 0, or near 0.