Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

A list of tweaks and improvements

-increased mount speed in Cyrodiil- excessive amounts of riding gets tedious. I understand this would affect balance, but it would increase strategy by requiring attacking factions to set up ganks along roads to cut off incoming enemies because players would return to battle faster than they currently do.

-increased siege damage against walls- currently sieging is a very tedious process, I feel like doubling the damage that siege weapons do to walls would speed this up without affecting balance too harshly

-standardized equipment in Cyrodiil based on weight preference [light medium heavy] so that everyone, regardless of level, is actually on an even playing field. low level characters given skill points and attribute points for the duration of their visit so that their builds can match those of VR14 players and they aren't significantly behind in power.

-achievements are account universal- having to re-earn dyes and achievements on each character sucks.

-all costumes found are added to the collection, not just morphs like the skeleton

-Trophy items are added to the collection and no longer have a physical presence in the inventory

-All the stuff about dark anchors in this thread [note that the post is old and may have some parts outdated]:

-Jewelry crafting- allow us to craft necklaces, rings and more. Give them a physical appearance on our characters.

-new way to complete veteran ranks 1-12- grinding through the same old story content that we've done a million times is boring, and it ruins any sense of faction pride. I find the decisions i make in quests to be meaningless since i know that i'm not part of the faction I'm playing in. Perhaps replace the recycled content with new phases of the zones that have unique, new quests? such as the Ebonheart pact invading Daggerfall or something along those lines, instead of having us slog through the same content we did on our alts already.

-Jails- jail players who don't pay their bounty rather than just killing them outright. Allow for prison escapes, riots, and an economy by allowing outside sources to sneak in and sell the prisoners items to help them break out.

-different types of guilds with changing mechanics based on a selected role. Assassins guild for example would receive contracts to kill certain high-value npc's, the first guild to successfully kill that npc would receive a large sum of gold. Thieves guilds would receive contracts to steal certain high-value items across the world. Warriors guild would get contracts to clear out dungeons , or an event would pop up such as in invasion of a city and all the warrior guilds would have to band together to clear it out.

-Quests need increased difficulty- improve monster AI, make sneaking more difficult, increase enemy's aggro distance, make all animals neutral to avoid this becoming obnoxious for basic travel. Make boss fights challenging not because of the stats the bosses have, but because of their attack patterns and skills being hard as balls to avoid.

-Armour pop-in needs to go away. Seriously, we're a year in and something this basic that has been an issue since BETA is still in the game? Give me a break.

-better optimization- I'm on a gtx 750ti and in town, my performance is trash. It seems that large numbers of players tanks my framerate.

-Guilds need greater involvement and impact on the game world. This can be done through guild-centered events like the ones previously mentioned, guild halls having a physical appearance on the land somewhere [like in Cyrodiil, that place is *** massive]

-arrows and arrow crafting

-allow smiths, clothiers and woodworkers to engrave the pieces of armor and the weapons they craft with their own insignia on a spot of their choice- this may not be possible to make look good given the current low-resolution armor textures.

-high-res texture pack- As I said, the textures in this game are, at least in first person or in slightly zoomed in third person, VERY muddy, low-res and ugly.

-more random world events, similar to the rifts that drop Daedra at random. Perhaps random bandit attacks on villages, or thieves robbing houses and getting chased out by guards.

-more radiant AI for NPC's. They should move around town more, and do things as part of a daily routine such as eat, sleep, swim, etc. Similar to the radiant AI in oblvion and skyrim

-Make quests hold your hand less. Too many quest markers currently, make objectives implied through dialogue and text found in books/scrolls related to the quest.
Sanguine's Beta Tester

  • Mumnoch
    Most of this would greatly improve this game.

    I foresee soon as the smoke clears this game tanking hard due to the laundry list of problems and short-comings of this game. Especially the puritan approach to armor. Some people enjoy being dressed from chin to toes but most of us live in non-repressed society's and this armor looks straight up like something the puritan's of the 1700's would wear. Not something fantasy based or even something seen in the 1900's (much less now).

  • nicholaspingasb16_ESO
    -increased dungeon size, multiple floors, more bosses, etc. for the regular dungeons around the world.

    -New, better attack patterns for the bosses found in quests- perhaps some previously unseen boss mechanics to throw people off

    -During wave-based encounters, more enemies should come during each wave to add the the feeling of "we're being overwhelmed"

    -Make sky shards respawn at a random spot [maybe out of a bunch of preset spots] after having been used 20 times. Right now, all anyone does is get an addon to see where they are. If you want to encourage exploration, this is important.

    -Allow for a centered camera in third person.

    -Allow for the creation of non-guild tabbards for personal use.

    -in cyrodiil, imperial partols should roam the contryside and and attack players and NPC's at random. Perhaps these imperials could also harass small towns like Cropsford and every few days the landscape could change when they sack a town or village. For example, a platoon of imperial soldiers raids and destroys Weynon Priory. The landscape is changed for a few hours or days until a set of quests is completed to kill the imperials, after which the town slowly reverts back to its previous state. The quests would require grouping and only one group would have to do them to set things right. Perhaps and incentive relating to PvP could be given for the completion of these quests [for example, after you save weynon priory 5 NPC healers will be put in your inventory as deployable helpers during PvP battles]
    Sanguine's Beta Tester

  • Highstake
    Sry for my language in advance. I didnt know where should i ask this amount...

    Why do, i can't separate better, with more categories, in my inventory/backpack? We have such many kind of collectible materials and ingredients, why do we cant create sub-categories, if we can do it with guild chat?

    The launcher's icon persist in the bottom-right corner of my system, even after being closed.

    Instant crashes still happen. They are realy annoying while in the middle of a fight or trying to get away from law enforcers. As soon u relog, you are dead, and the law took everything stolen (+ the bounty gold amount) you gathered in the last 3 hours. TYVM.

    Crash. Again. It makes impossible to any add-on to work properly, cuz anything related to "Vendors" or "Price tracker" will be lost after the crash. So i can go and visit all those guild sellers and wait until price scanning is done, again...

    Impossible and stupidly high damage by guards. Wayrest guard: 1st hit Charge - 4314 dmg, 2nd hit Focused strike - 11421 dmg, 3rd (and final) hit Focused shot - 24110 dmg. And thus, he is unkilleable, a dam highlander... I wanna see a moment, when being almost 10 levels under the map's mobs, i would be able to kill any heavy armor setted + high stated mob with 3 hits...

    The lag. It sucks, and really sucks a lot. As soon my char steps out a trespassed or any building, i can't see any law enforcer, cuz it didn't load to me, but it's there, a dam invisible something yelling for me to stop. Then it appears.

    The stupid npc movements and routine. Some npc's seem to be stucked at their place, they don't move out, just keep stationary. It sucks, cuz my char maybe has an almost full inventory of stolen items and wouldn't risk to lose them just because of stupid npc routine.

    The "hidden marker". Its ***. My marker seems to be very confused when to say hidden or not, even late to tell me anything at all. No npc at all around, still it shows i'm watched...

    The looooong loading screens entering/exiting refuge centers. If there is nothing, except the npc's inside those centers, so why do they take sooooo long to load?

    The time needed to lower the heat, when its red/white. If it happens, to kill or touch any npc by accident, the the full white meter with a red sword in the center (guards will attempt to kill you, they use walkie-talkie among them), it takes like ages to lower... Then there is no stamina/hp/magica regeneration enough at any dam time to cover the needs of 2-5 guards all attacking at the same time...

    Gold hp guards/law enforcers? Really? For what? To make sure nobody at all kills at least 1 type of npc? Or do we need a party to make possible at least 1 player can run away?

    The lockpicking sucks at lag times, and almost all lockpickings lag (only during picking). When picking lock, after normal environments, then it just happens to hear the "pick" first then see the picker breaking later...

    As i try to steal anything, from any recipient, at the same time i try to make sure my stealing is clear, i pass the cursor over the pretended to steal item, and voilá, i cant be sure i'm clear, cuz the item's description covers my "hidden" status...

    Why there is no radius meter, as i can't trust even my senses when trying to measure npc sight of view, even more when standing close to a wall or in a tight hole, and the camera view seems to try to give me real headaches (1st person view mixed with the monocromatic ceiling)...

    There is a moment, when every recipient just goes empty, without being checked by any player or me. Then a touch of magic, voilá, full again. Why?

    If i check the content of any recipient (lets say they are 3-8 recipients side by side or in the same room), 1 by 1, without taking anything from them, even then 1 after another check the previous recipient goes empty. Why?

    Why do my map cant remember its last state of zoom? Its a headache to try to locate myself sometimes, and i have to zoom in and out, while trying to really fast find escape routes or destinations...

    Why i have to roll down/up so much if i wanna see the whole important content of my character screen (the one which appears after pressing "C" button)?

    Why do the amount of bounty doesn't appears in bottom-right corner with the heat meter?

    I cant pass over a simple rock (almost invisible, it blocks my path), but when i go straight over lot of rocks, called stairs, i can walk or run without problems?

    I see collectable items, and I press the interaction button to get them. My char even starts to move in the direction, without anything in my way, still, just before gathering, my char stops, like "hello player, what did u want me to do?" ?

    Why do we cant pickpocket gold, only useless items?

    Why do the banker closes the interface while i'm still looking the content of my bank?

    Stupid NPC route/routine (again...). They walk in my direction and guess what? They push me inside the wall or away.

    I killed (only) 1 stupid chicken. So what? the guard, why i dunno, wasnt even on my sight, rushes to me to make me pay 150+ golds. Mentalist, was he? Or was it the chicken, who asked for his help?

    Why do i have to wait 10 seconds in order to log out? Why do i have to log out and log in, just to receive in my mail, whatever i've bought in the guild store?

    I get infinite, or almost infinite loading screen from nowhere...

    I was loaded inside a dungeon (The one that starts in the water South of Belkarth, Craglorn), being outside the scenario, even after a couple of relogs i was still outside (ok: /stuck, but still sux) ...

    Before u die... U get kinda major lag. Its like u are predestined to be controlled by the stupid game's rng, your choices were taken out, you are a dam chess doll...

    Gathering... It takes away 3-4 seconds of our lifes, each time... If the pretended something doesn't disappears in the moment u try to gather...

    Guards... Impossible to kill and they attack with everything they have, even through the very walls. Then open a door to flee takes 2x or 3x more time? Why? What the hell are they there for?

    PVP, in Cyrodiil... There should be a dam button to turn off/on pvp. Its dam annoying to have to quest with bored (forced to be, there is not another life meaning) "enemies" doing everything to *** ur quests. And pvp? man pls, tank vs tank can take ages, i'm not wanting to pvp, nor to defend myself for half hour or more... U know what? Enemies shouldnt even buy our stuffs from the guild store, ok?

    Stupid map... Always have to lose time to focus and find where i am, it cannot remember where i am? If u press R, it zooms where i am from close, but i lose sense of the small distancies Vs big distancies...
  • nicholaspingasb16_ESO
    -Give people a space to run around in with different lighting environments during character creation to see how their character will look in different areas of the world

    -Make guild store mail arrive faster, or instead of mail have it go directly to your inventory.

    -Add a PvE cyrodiil- perhaps a PvE only megaserver and a PvP only megaserver that has full open world pvp- For this open world PvP, allow the deployment of siege weapons in previously PvE only zones, remove zone borders and create a physical border and give the walls and doors of cities HP [similar to keeps in cyrodiil] and give cities points to capture [similar to keeps as well]. Allow factions to actually fight for eachother's land , basically.

    -Remove the gathering animation. It's tedious. Once the resource is interacted with immediately open the menu containing the items it yields.

    -Make the intimidate and persuade options less about skipping portions of the quests and more about unlocking alternative pathways in quests. I want to do interesting things in quests, but it's hard to get invested in the story of a quest when you keep offering me shortcuts through intimidation and persuasion.

    -Shrink the collision detection cylinders around NPC's. I can't walk in between 2 NPC's sometimes because their collision detection areas are so *** big.

    -Allow us to dye shields

    Sanguine's Beta Tester

  • sagitter
    -Housing with trunks to store items , and agriculture , to cultivate ingredients for provisioning.
  • jacktors11
    Non instanced housing, or instanced zones just for housing. I want to be able to run around a zone that I can interact with, visit friends, and trade at guildhouses. I want to be able to customize my own home, which would add new flavor to the Crown Store.

    Many of the things I have seen coming such as, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, new zones, Imperial City, etc... I am looking very forward to.
  • nicholaspingasb16_ESO
    -Reduce/remove trait research times. They are arbitrary.
    -Remove the character deletion cap.
    Sanguine's Beta Tester

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