My NB build has been stamina from the start, been a rough road. Everything you've said is pretty spot on for the build, it's a difficult one to play. I might come out on top about 1/3 of any duels... and that's being optimistic. My heals are primarily Mark Target, Killer's blade, and pots. Two of those three are obviously doing me little good until my opponent is dead. You infer that this isn't an easy build, and you're right. You may want to re-think its play style.
Your build is the '***'s build'. You're not set up for a fair fight, you're not meant to be seen, your opponent should never know you're coming. 1v1 is possible, you usually just need to get the upper hand by remaining on the offensive. A majority of your time is spent in stealth while your pals engage and distract the other faction. You hang around on the outskirts, behind or ahead of the battle lines. You ambush in and help ensure that other 1v1 fight ends properly (with your faction member staying alive). You put blades and arrows in the other guy's back, not his chest. You get in, you hurt, and you get out. You're the reason people travel between keeps and outposts in groups.
And you're right, we're pretty easy to kill. The point isn't that you can sustain the damage, you have to make yourself hard to catch first. The build is less for dueling, and more about some lethal game of hide and seek.
(edit, grammar, spelling)
AltusVenifus wrote: »Thanks for the reply. Seems like a pretty significant liability for a style that has at best suspect escape methods. Maybe I need more practice, but I am able to disengage and escape about 1 out of 5 tries. Right now my strategy is to use fear, rapid maneuvers, then stealth 4 times, but I think it has more to do with when u start the escape because damn near everything breaks the invis.
AltusVenifus wrote: »I have found it next to impossible to win a straight up fight with a stamina NB, medium armor, bow + dual wield against anyone other than a stamina NB. My current strategy is to run away... Is it possible to make a build that can stand and fight using this kind of setup?
Here is how I see it:
- Highest burst DPS in the game
- Has escape tools (needs some serious luck)
- Highest sustain for stamina and magical regen (although loses DPS for this effect)
- Best CC in the game (fear)
- DPS is terrible if required to do any defense. Offensive output is destroyed by Dodge roll, block, cc break...
- Cannot turtle and produce DPS
- No shields
- No heals (I don't have vigor, all magical heals are really silly for a stamina NB, example: refreshing path heals me for 328 per second which is 1 percent of my health for 11 secs).
- Currently DPS does not out produce turtling (I.E full out attacking a turtling character does not kill the character quickly enough, i.e. they hold the right mouse button and hit whatever magical skill and I will always die before they do...
I used to laugh at characters played like mine, because they are so easy to kill, but I'm wondering if anyone has found one that is viable in close quarters combat or dueling? I'm starting to think without viable heals / damage shields / stamina being absorbed for your defense it is a losing battle to try and win a dual.
I'm currently wearing all yellow gear with yellow enchants and speced fully in weapon power. My dueling background is pretty good (win about 60%) on the standard turtling magical builds, but it is official 0% with the build I currently am playing.
Just looking for feedback. Thanks
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
There are a few out there who have mastered this style. I've dueled Velcon's stamina NB quite a few times on both PTS and live server with various DK builds and so far I haven't come close to beating him.
Also watched him tank 8 or 9 enemy players for extended periods.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »
There are a few out there who have mastered this style. I've dueled Velcon's stamina NB quite a few times on both PTS and live server with various DK builds and so far I haven't come close to beating him.
Also watched him tank 8 or 9 enemy players for extended periods.
Burst Dps as NB is crazy, especially as Khajiit with over 70% crit.
I don't use my sneak bonus, but I still kill most enemys in one rotation.
Very funny
AltusVenifus wrote: »
I agree that burst is good, but complete useless for a duel. I actually think burst needs to be higher with all the shield stacking nonsense that is going on, but that is not really relevant to a dueling stamina NB build.
Nivzruo_ESO wrote: »2H is deff the meta right now for stam ganking. There is a sick NB duel spec out there but it is a magika destro staff, light armor one. Pretty much the opposite of ur current playstyle.
There are a few out there who have mastered this style. I've dueled Velcon's stamina NB quite a few times on both PTS and live server with various DK builds and so far I haven't come close to beating him.
Also watched him tank 8 or 9 enemy players for extended periods.
IMHO this is why I don't like duelling.. it's too artificial.. you know who/what you are facing and some builds just destroy other builds. In the "real" world, ie just out there in cyrodiil, you don't know what/who you will be facing next.. no way to carefully plan your skill setup or the environment.
That said.. a buff shear skill would be nice.. to get rid of bubble wrapped targets ;P