Don't you just love that ZOS hasn't responded to ANY of the forums I've read about this issue spanning over the past few months? I obviously mean aside from default automated "open port forwarding" and "Run as Admin" and "Game Consultant" solutions.....I have HUGE network speeds, a VERY high-end custom system, and all the times in the past I've had to re-install, it's ran solid at 3Mb/s. Today I had to re-install because I changed some stuff around on my PC (which usually is no big deal), and its at 600Kb/s....6 hours and I'm at 15%......if I'm lucky it hits 1Mb/s for about 5 seconds, then drops back down. Aparently ZOS has decided to take a few days off from customer service. @ZOS_GinaBruno please get SOMEBODY to post SOMETHING on these forums about this. Or at least have people respond to our e-mails with a REAL solution. I've put up with a whooole lot of issues since launch, and never once cancelled my sub because I had FAITH in the game. But this is an absolute abomination, and I refuse to wait god-knows-how-many days for the game I've been playing for a year to re-install......