[Intro: Excuse for solo play

Hello there. New player here. I bought ESO some months ago and created a sorcerer but did not went too far and had no time to play the game. So the first free month have passed almost doing nothing

Now that is B2P I joined again and think to start again a new character (first character gone only to level 8, so nothing to lose about).
Many things changed with the last update I read but my experience with the game is zero. I have not enough time anymore to commit in groups and guilds since my playtime is not only very low but sometimes I may not be able to log for a week. So last couple of years I am a solo player. I just leveling 1-2 classes, see the story, the lore, and just go after cosmetics (wardrobe costumes, mounts, etc)...thats my endgame
[Main subject]
I would like to level a class that is easy on solo. Last time I played, even in low levels I had some problems with sorcerer, though the problem probably was me or the skills I used..I would like to suggest/help me to pick a class/build to level and enjoy the virtual world. Enjoying the world is what I am after, so sneaking may be a good part of my gameplay (going to hard places easier). I also like a lot the cloth armor, from visual perspective. I don't know if it is possible to find such a build but this is what I imagine to have:
-Light armor
-Easy to play, good for solo
-Sneaking is a plus
-able to craft light armor (for leveling purposes)
I don't mind the speed of killing mobs to be fast, I just want to easily empty their health while keeping mine up. So I suppose a healer is maybe what I am after, that will slowly kill mobs but will be very survival with self heals. I also would like to avoid the circle-running kiting as a method of survival.
In case, someone will take the time to help, please don't give me a build straight for a max level character. A level 10, 20, 30 char builds will be much more helpful so I know in what skill should focus first and how my build will develop from start to end

Thanks in Advance