Hello everyone,
Let's say I'm from the PvP part of the crowd. From time to time I can be seen in PvE environment utterly failing on first mob pack in random dungeon.
But while being in Cyrodiil, I really do enjoy when all of my great friends from all of my trading guilds complete some random PvE stuff. I really do love checking these messages, wondering how could they be soooo good!
As to improve our love and enjoyment to each other even further, I do recommend you to put some notifications also for Cyrodiil land. I do believe our warriors in Craglorn needs to be alerted when we successfully defended a keep, when the mighty ulti-wolf is killed or when I receive 10 AP from leech-healing.
When you are dead, you don't know that you are dead. It is difficult only for the others.
It is the same when you are stupid.