Abnur Tharn Loading Screen

Does anyone know what this loading screen is used for? It's been in the data files since launch. It's title is Chapter 3.5, which would line it up with the quest The Tharn Speaks, but that takes place in existing Tier 2 delves, and therefore uses those delves' own loading screens. I assumed it was therefore just a remnant of an unused location in the main quest, but the loading screen was updated in Update 6 with a new design. Has anyone seen this in-game? Did they change the art design of a loading screen that's never actually used?
Top: Original; Bottom: Update 6 Redesign
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  • SlayerSyrena
    Because Tharn will be in Imperial city when it launches!

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  • ItsGlaive
    Not sure but they're very cool. We should have a few character loading screens actually, including main characters and maybe a few of random side/quest npcs with a little backstory on them.
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  • Lord_Kreegan
    Art is usually created long before it is actually planned for implementation. Things happen in parallel in game development... Lots of things (art, objects, characters, voice files, VFX, etc.) never actually get into a game.
  • Enodoc
    Art is usually created long before it is actually planned for implementation. Things happen in parallel in game development... Lots of things (art, objects, characters, voice files, VFX, etc.) never actually get into a game.
    Sure, that's what I thought was the case here. But if it is not in use in the game, why have they updated it?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Faunter
    Very interesting, and oddly familiar...
    My guess is that it would be used for Imperial City loading screens.
  • JD2013
    Maybe Tharn is in Imperial City? That treacherous little worm needs to protect his daughter, maybe?

    Love his voice though. Superbly provided by the great Alfred Molina.
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