I have two VR 14 characters. I love to play them. I love to play the PvE content. If I'm not doing a daily, then I'm running Craglorn delves and repeatable quests - the zone made for my characters.
Unfortunately, over time, it's gotten hit with the XP nerf hammer more then once.
Then this comes in:
With all of the XP nerfs because of the grinds, now I'm utterly uncompensated for playing in the zone you made for my max level characters. Since it's completely unrewarding to play there now, and other zones that are also fun, but because of the lower level have also little to zero XP for a VR14, where do you want me to play?
My group played through Shada's Tear, not because it was an exploit, but because it's fun. We played through Skyreach Catacombs and didn't just grind the chest, but played the entire quest - because it's fun and we were all gaining good XP and progressing in Champion Points as we played many quests and delves in Craglorn the last few days.
Of course, it's still fun, but the reward is all but gone. Killing a difficult mob is now getting 1k XP. You want us to do that 400 times to get a champion point?
I'm not trolling or just griping, I'm legitimately asking you guys: Where do you want me to play that's both fun *and* rewarding *and* challenging enough for my VR14 characters?
i just dont get it ...what's the rush, ppl? u know, i play for almost 4 months now, and i have just one char
at level 40.. and i'm fine with it.
i do all the quests,all of them,i do all activities the game has to offer,all the crafting writs,fishing,etc..
really, prior to 1.6 patch i did all i can to slow game progression as imo it was just way too fast
but i think now it's even better,progression is more real,i dont get to next level after 2 days of easy going,so fine by me..
ferzalrwb17_ESO wrote: »i just dont get it ...what's the rush, ppl? u know, i play for almost 4 months now, and i have just one char
at level 40.. and i'm fine with it.
i do all the quests,all of them,i do all activities the game has to offer,all the crafting writs,fishing,etc..
really, prior to 1.6 patch i did all i can to slow game progression as imo it was just way too fast
but i think now it's even better,progression is more real,i dont get to next level after 2 days of easy going,so fine by me..
So you can play in your level-appropriate zone and get the appropriate rewards at your pace. For VR14s we have nowhere to play that gives sufficient reward to advance our champion ranks. PvP gives pathetic XP. Craglorn gives pathetic XP. Pledges give awful XP.
The answer to the OPs question is: grinding out quests in Cadwell's Silver and Gold. If you've already done them (or when you eventually complete them) then you're out of luck.
You can grind some overland mobs in VR9-10 areas but I'm guessing ZOS will nerf them soon. They created a MASSIVE grind requirement then eliminate any remotely enjoyable ways to advance. I like some of the content mentioned in the OP but no one is going to join me for no reward. The gold/item rewards are pathetic and so is the XP now. Most of the Crag instances aren't challenging in the slightest so all that content development time is totally wasted. It could have been spent doing something better... like actually doing away with the Vet grind as promised rather than multiplying it by a thousand.
ferzalrwb17_ESO wrote: »
I like some of the content mentioned in the OP but no one is going to join me for no reward. The gold/item rewards are pathetic and so is the XP now.