This is a public service announcement until ZOS gets this game-breaking bug fixed.
If you happen to have the werewolf skill tree, and happen to transform into a wolf during the final stage of the quest to assault Molag Bal when you have the power of the Aedra (golden armor), you will become permanently bugged so that any time you transform into a wolf from that point on, you will not transform back when the timer runs out. Instead, you will see the interface spammed with "Immune" over and over and become unable to fight, interact, loot, or complete quests until you log out.
Further, even when you are NOT transformed your character will still be permanently glitched. You will see wolf footprints in the snow instead of regular footprints, and many quests that require interactive teleportation will fail and prevent progress. Hozzin's Folly in Bleakrock where you are supposed to be transported into the mine is one example where this completely blocks progress.
Re-logging will NOT fix this. Dying and zoning will NOT fix this. Even dropping the werewolf line will NOT fix this. I have tried all three, and I still have werewolf footprints and cannot progress through the main Cadwell's Silver quest because of this.
My character is permanently ruined because of this until ZOS manually edits my database. I have been waiting for ~6 hours on a ticket now and have yet to hear from anyone in support, though I am sure they are busy.
Don't let this happen to you!
@ZOS_GinaBruno maybe you could pass this along?