Future Motif Idea's

As we all know... or well most of us know there will be more Motif's coming in the future either through in game drop or C Store purchase. So what does everyone want to hopefully see in the future for new Motif's?

Personally I'd like a 3 Heroes Mofit/The Elf, The Nord, and The Breton style Motif. Have them be unique crafting options each with a Light/Medium, and Heavy + Weapon's style look to them and have it be a C Store purchase for them, although you could have it be an extremely rare drop.

So what would everyone else like to see come in the future for new Motif Styles?
Saevus Messor Imperial Dragonknight Vr14 Aldmeri Dominion
Talia Spiritus Imperial Nightblade Lv17 Aldmeri Dominion
Naomi Athael Altmer Sorcerer Lv8 Aldmeri Dominion
Nyanta Raimanni Khajiit Templar Lv4 Aldmeri Dominion
Sina Nightwind Bosmer Dragonknight Lv4 Aldmeri Dominion
Leader of the 1st Infiltration and Scouting Division
Master Weapon and Armor Crafter
  • AlnilamE
    Whatever they come up with, I wouldn't want it to be from the Crown store. That's no fun.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Atheus
    This game needs a serious dose of sexymification. How about a "you can't seriously call that platemail" motif, and a "practically naked" motif? This is my contribution.
  • Aetherderius
    I thought maybe a Kothringi style might be fun.
    Or Akaviri, or Guild (Fighters, Mages, other guilds in the future)
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