I came back about a month ago hearing that nb was in a much better place, bugs fixed, etc. Made my way to 50 which i really enjoyed, finished the AD campaign and coldharbour and decided to go hit some cyrodiil. After eating dirt within 2 seconds, i looked at videos and builds by guys like
@Sypher and it made things much better and fun, i couldn't really kill vr14s 1 on 1 but i could go toe to toe long enough to get some backup or run away.
Decided i need to level up and get some proper gear so that i can actually compete, and i honestly hated doing cadwell's silver, it was mind numbingly slow. 5-10k a quest and they took 1-5min to complete since just clicking through the dialog left me confused and un-immersed. I eventually started grinding spellscar and had fun trying to push myself to solo it, got better and better and could solo 2 groups with broken gear, and was getting levels at a good rate.
Now 1.6 hit. I tried stamina, and i feel way weaker. I can barely do 1 group in spellscar due to serious lack of healing and lower ult regen and the exp was nerfed considerably. I still hate doing cadwell and feels like a horribly slow grind, i want to pvp but as stam i die way to fast. I could go magika and play destro/resto, but it seems i'd be a mage with no mage skills.
Questing gives horrible exp rates, PvP is even worse and grinding got nerfed into the ground. I just want to pvp and do some group content and level up doing it. Not particularly fond of soloing 2 more campaigns to try and get to vr14.
I haven't done pledges (or have any idea what they are beyond the lf vr14 tank/healer/dps ) or trials for that matter and i have trouble finding groups for dungeons since most groups are looking for vr12+. If anyone can help me out, maybe with some build suggestions. I tried dk on PTS and it looked a lot of fun, with nb right now i feel like i'm left with my pants down after my opener. I'm using reaper's mark as my heal basically, but i found i still need to slot a resto staff. Sadly with 8k of magika and no reduction i can't do much with it.
I loved getting to 50, leveling was fun and well paced and i didn't feel like i was grinding. The non vr pvp campaign was fun, but hitting 50 seems more like a curse than an accomplishment atm. If someone can point me in the right direction, i would really appreciate it.
Sorry if it sounds like i'm complaining, i'm not, i'm just trying to find the fun again and don't really know which way to go.