ZOS_TristanK wrote: »Running a repair from the launcher might resolve this sound issue. You can find instructions on how to run a repair here: https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3330
Please don't hesitate to let us know if you're still having this issue post-repair!
jenenerichardsrwb17_ESO wrote: »So it's still an issue. Any word on if it's a bug? Wasn't there some sound related bug that held them back from releasing it at the end of Feb? Hope this isn't the same one.
Quick solution.
Take on low your shadow on graphic options.
If that don't work, lower your textures and others and that will work.
Skynetwork wrote: »confirmedset textures from ultra to medium works but looks like
ok, waiting for patch...
My audio lagging during combat started just after this last "hotfix" they did. I will have audio cut out for 1-2 seconds during combat , especially when im using dual wield skills.
This problem actually affects my crafting UI window as well with stuttering and lag.
Repair and lowering settings fixes nothing. Game is broken.