Since Update 3, I always asked something in this same forum:
1. Why Costumes don't change Weapons and Shields also?
2. Is really that hard to simply add ways to Dye Weapons and Armor?
3. Why can't Costumes be dyed
4. Will ever be a way to add armor to mounts and dye then?
5. Why there isn't Barber Shops, Tattos, Face Moddelers, etc
6. Why there is so many Styles in game, but such a low amount of Costume and Motifs.
7. Will ever be a way to use Bonuses from rare armours with any Style or armour/Weapon Type?
8. Will ever be a way to craft "uncraftable" styles like the Glass, City of Ash and Ebony armours?
Now, Update 6 arrived, the Crown Store will be active and DLCs are comming, I still make the same questions. I understand that Costumes will now be everywhere and this makes me very happy. The Justice System and the whole Change to Tamriel Unlimeted seens promising to me, but... there are still some questions.
Are you guys planning on Adding Dyeable Weapons and Shields? If yes, what make it so hard to deploy?
There will be anymore Motifs, especilly in the Crown Store?
The ability to Costumize the Character in game, until now, seems unfinished. There is lack in Options and the impossibility of changing your aparence, sex, etc
Some armour Styles are Rare and can only be used from persons that complete some challenge, but they are tied with THAT armour. Allowing people to make there own armour in that Style and even have some unique buff that some armour have after they finished some Challenge and have, let say, level 50 on Blacksmithing or any respective crafiting.
I wished that the game reward you with more choices. I wished you guys heard some of the people that ask for simple new things. The Shield Dye problem, the ability to know some secret Bonuses if you descuntruct the armour. The ability to change your character almost endlesly.