Alliance War Enemy Indicator Icons not working

I seriously cannot tell who is an enemy player or a friendly. You have to be 10 meters away to see the faint red outline around them. Too many times I've wandered into a group thinking it was friendlies and it was all enemy players.

I have the indicators toggled ON for enemy players all the time. Why are they not showing up?
Edited by s7732425ub17_ESO on March 4, 2015 7:19AM
  • gibous
    OP change title to say *NOT* working instead of *now* working.

    I am having the same problem. Just rode horse into enemy zerg thinking was friendly. Have tried relogging. Have tried disabling all addons, quitting the game, restarting, /reloadui - all of it to no avail.

    Anyone have any insight on this?
    Reddington James — Magsorc & Magplar (NA PC)
  • gibous
    I got it to work - not sure what did it but I deleted the usersettings.txt file and restarted game and then turned all the settings off and on for the indicators a few times then suddenly they popped up.
    Reddington James — Magsorc & Magplar (NA PC)
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    gibous wrote: »
    I got it to work - not sure what did it but I deleted the usersettings.txt file and restarted game and then turned all the settings off and on for the indicators a few times then suddenly they popped up.

    I'll have to try this. Also, thanks for noticing the title change.
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