I think it is awesome I can go to a bank(the moneylenders in the outlaws refuges) without walking into a room full of invincible guards, but it kinda sucks I can't access my guild stores from it:( Yes there is the guild trader, but that is not OUR guilds, that is just some random guild one does not even know.
I believe ZOS should let us become full on criminals and put the guild stores and guild banks in with the moneylenders. I became a thief to make money, and there is no point in spending 3 hours thieving if I have to pay off my big bounty, which will likely be most-all of the thieving money I made, if I want to gain access to my guild store. guild stores play a large part of the game for many of us, and being forced to flush all my thieving down the drain just to access it feels....wrong:(
What do y'all think? am I right or am i suffering from a case of L2P?