now before anyone knee-jerks towards anger and disgust- its not a true tradeskill, and you won't be required to have arrows to use a bow.
but what if, to make blacksmithing and woodworking viable long-term, fletching was added- blacksmithing produces the arrow heads and wood working the shafts. fletching would be a universal skill that anyone can do with the components without a crafting station, so you can make them on the fly as needed. the inhibitor would be level locking the arrows by material used, so you can't have a constant supply of mob-1-shot in a bag. the quiver would be completely independent of the inventory and would have really just have effects- bleeds/critical damage/damage type/armor penetration, so they behave more like a buff than an actual arrow. blacksmithing arrowheads should be on scale with what it takes to make armor- so if its 3 iron ingots to make a breastplate, it takes 1 ingot to make 100 arrowheadss (these are large ingots); if it takes 30 calcinium ingots to make a breast, it takes 5 ingots for 100 arrowheads (these are small ingots). same concepts with relation to staves in wood working and arrow shafts. i don't want a system that makes arrow parts the primary way for increasing skills in woodworking/blacksmithing, but i do see it as a means to keep these skills relevant long term in the game. not sure if i would push for including tempers, as i don't know the "true" commonality they have within the community but mostly may make it more of a hassle than its worth. have arrowheads/arrow shafts stack to 200 so people don't have to worry about having to carry copious amounts of either cluttering their inventory.
i don't want this to be a system to replace the current "endless quiver," and one should still be able to do solo content without having to have the "perfect arrow," but to give an edge to groupers/raiders/PVPers, this might be interesting. this is more of a system to make bows more interesting and woodworking and blacksmithing somewhat profitable long-term.
not being a fan of the bow, i couldn't care less either way. i am interested in keeping manufacturing skills (clothier, woodworking, blacksmithing) relevant long-term so i don't have anything emotionally invested. also note, i havent forgotten other aspects (sword users/staff users/clothier/etc), i just happened to get this idea before anything else.
I will work. I will save. I will sacrifice. I will endure. I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the whole issue of the struggle depended on me alone.
Martin A. Treptow