First of all, please be aware that lag is not something that happens because you have inadequate computer system. Lag is not bad graphics card, lag is not too low memory, lag is not too litle processing power, lag is not too slow hard drive..
Lag is Network latency and responsiveness of server, at least in this case.
Now to the point, i have been noticing lag getting worse each moth for 3 consecutive last moths. It has been investigated allready and determined that my network or network provider is not to blame for this.
What do you think will happen to server responsiveness when players flock in after launch of Tamriel unlimited.. Will things stay the same, go better or go worse. Please also provide some feedback about your own experience about lag.
Edited by Tapio75 on March 1, 2015 11:26AM >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
Lag and pay to play? 40 votes
Responsiveness gets better/is fixed
Things stay as always have.
Responsiveness gets slower/nothing is done.

2 votes