Founded in 2/13/2015 we have been around for a while. Many players have played since beta and are very helpful and knowledgable
Corvus Fraternalis is a gaming community with members playing numerous games. We have a 300+ member guild in ESO offering many ways to connect and communicate. Our main goal in any MMO or game is to offer our members easy and fun ways to interact with each other.
Guild Goals & Features:
- Events. Using an add-on called: "Guild Events" to post & sign up for events completely in game!
- Voice. Using "Discord"official site - click here to offer social features for the guild.
- Trade. As the guild grows we will seek to improve trading using all in game and add-on options for commerce.
- Grouping. We encourage our members to group up to complete more difficult content together, using add-ons, in game notification & website to inform members.
Dark Brotherhood & Thieves Guild Roots
Below is a link that explains our connection with the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild.
guild background story - click hereRanking System
As a new member you will start out in a
trial period. Once a member is in the guild for 7 days they will receive their first rank-up. Continued rank increases will be determined by:
- Contribution to the guild
- Member's interaction within the guild
- Continued days in the guild
- Experience with the game/class/grouping
Officer ranks:
Officer ranks are special ranks awarded to players who are dedicated to the guild and it's growth. They come with increased responsibility.
We are always looking to add to our officer ranks. If you think you have what it takes to become and maintain an officer-ship contact the GM or any officer for consideration.- Grand Consul - 2nd in command. This rank is only filled by those who have proven their worth and who can be entrusted with overall functions of the guild.
- Battle Master - Cyrodiil commanders. This rank is held in reserve for players who have mastered the art of war and can lead others effectively into battle.
- Spy Master - Master overseers and coordinators. This rank is for officers that have proven their worth and know how to coordinate and work as a team. They are the glue that holds the team together.
- Field Marshall - PvE overseers. This rank is for officers who can develop and guide members in PvE events and group functions.
Guild Bank Access
Bank access will be restricted to higher ranking members. Donations made to the bank will be used for acquiring funds for the guild to purchase Guild Traders and/or Guild Raffles/Event Prizes. We ask that each member treat bank access as a privilege. Activity is monitored daily and abuse is handled on an "as needed" basis.
Members that abuses the guild bank access will be notified and have their access restricted as follows:
- 1st offense - 7 days
- Repeated offense - handled on individual basis, but can result in a perma-ban to bank access.
Guild Store & Selling
All members will be able to list
30 items for sale in our store. We encourage you to do so & to use add-ons to assist in accurate pricing, one such add-on is:
"Master Merchant". Members will be expected to maintain a regular sales history weekly.
Inactivity Rules
If a member's activity drops below
7 days, meaning they have at least 7 consecutive days of inactivity, the player will be flagged & possible letter sent to encourage activity. Once a player reaches
14 days or more of inactivity they will be removed from the guild (unless an officer or GM is notified of absence).
Members removed due to inactivity can request a re-invite at any time they choose to return to the game.
- Be respectful
- Be honest
- Treat others in the guild how you would expect to be treated
- NO trolling, griefing or bulling. Zero tolerance.
- Absolutely NO BEGGING in guild chat or voice! PERIOD.
*If you have personal needs please contact an officer or GM.
- Strongly recommended that members avoid religious, political, racial and sexually oriented topics in conversation.
We have a zero tolerance for drama in the guild! This includes, but is not limited to personal viewpoint arguments, bullying, griefing, trolling, political fights, excessive use of profanity or vulgar/demeaning language, disrespectful conduct towards another member.
*Officers and moderators will handle each case based on its severity resulting in either a warning, demotion or dismissal from the guild.
Guild Voice
- We use Discord for voice communication.
- Connect: click here
~a mature gaming community~