Yes, a thousand times yes! Way back when I first started playing it wasn't obvious to me at all that I was supposed to go off to Stros M'Kai before starting to do the quests in Daggerfall. I mean, I didn't miss the quest or anything, I just didn't realize that you were really supposed to go and do those questlines before the other ones that you could pick up in town. I've also spoken with quite a few newbies in-game who were under-leveled for the content they were trying to do, or who didn't understand some common quest mechanics (like disguises), and who didn't even know about the starter islands. The starter islands help you out by leveling you to about level 8, and by teaching you common quest mechanics, and just generally giving you a good idea of how to play the game. They've also got some good stories and characters. They prepare you very well for the first full zone. Not having you start out on one of the starter islands is a huge mistake. Yes, give someone an option to just take a boat directly to the mainland if they don't want to do the starter islands, but make people start off on the starter island.First I'd like to suggest, starting us off in Bleak Rock, Khenarthi's Roost, and Stros M'Kai again like you did in closed beta. Honestly, I see no reason at all for us to even start out in the cities you put us in now, if you're just going to send us back to the starting areas anyway, and give us the option to travel from there to the mainland areas you currently land us in.
Meh. I'm fine with the current system. I would be fine with what you propose too. Either way is good with me.Second suggestion, is that I'd like gathering nodes to be "instanced." By this I mean every player who sees one node can gather from it, without worry of it being snagged from under our noses due to a lag spike, or not seeing it a split second sooner, or to someone who has a horse.
I've almost never had this problem, but I understand it plagues those in Cyrodil more than those of us who almost never venture there.Third, is more of a request. PLEASE, PLEASE do something to fix the stability of your megaserver. More times than not, I see massive latency spikes while playing ESO, I don't see while Playing Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Aion, Smite, Heores of the Storm, The Secret World, and a few other games that require I be connected to the internet. I will say that I do stream on twitch, and ESO, is the only game I seem to get any latency spikes with, as do several of my friends who I play with.
Now before anyone says "Try it without your stream going." I already have and the result was the same.
Yes to this too! Simply have a checkbox at the main screen where you select your character: Universal UI/Keybindings. That way you select it, and then log in to one character and set everything up. Those settings then go to all characters, including brand new ones. If you uncheck the box, you can have different settings for different characters if you want.Please make our game settings, and key bindings universal, so that each time we make a new character, we don't have to go through, disable, tutorials, set a dodge roll button, set up a button to hide our UI for screen shots, and other such features, without needing an addon.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
AshySamurai wrote: »I would like if ZOS bring back different weapon types in Coldharbour. Now it's possible to start with only 2H sword. In beta I could pick up any weapon I wanted. And I liked to wake up in Khenarthi's Roost in refuge camp. Raz was near and greeted me. Good old days.
The instanced Nodes thing is something they do in GW2, and a feature I so dearly loved because crafting takes a considerable amount of materials, especially for ascened("Legendary") gear. It's more a convenience of life change. Also, on a side note in Tera: Rising, If multiple people activate the same gathering node before it vanishes, everyone using it gets some materials. But if you're to slow to activate you lose out.1: YES!!! I hated this change from Beta. A lot of people complained about having to play Couldharbor and the starting islands again and again so they changed it. Personally I thought the players should always start off on the starter island with the option to take the boat to the main-land immediately available.
2: I actually kind of like the "he got there before me" aspect of this. Would having it open for anyone help bots or anything like that? Is there a reason they designed it this way instead of instanced nodes? I really don't know? As long as it wouldn't break anything, I think the change would be alright.
3: Agree. The mega-server seems to be a mega-disappointment overall.
4: This should already be in the game. Don't know why it's not.
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing.
AshySamurai wrote: »I would like if ZOS bring back different weapon types in Coldharbour. Now it's possible to start with only 2H sword. In beta I could pick up any weapon I wanted. And I liked to wake up in Khenarthi's Roost in refuge camp. Raz was near and greeted me. Good old days.
Yeah that is a minor annoyance, but honestly, it's not like we can't start with a full set of level one gear that we craft on another character, or get a friend to craft, and mail to us, using our materials. I'd actually given this one thought, and decided, that in comparison to the other things I suggested, was a VERY MINOR annoyance. Not gonna lie, I did the crafted gear thing in closed beta.
True enough. I'll give you that one, to a certain point. Some new players may be joining up to play with a friend.AshySamurai wrote: »AshySamurai wrote: »I would like if ZOS bring back different weapon types in Coldharbour. Now it's possible to start with only 2H sword. In beta I could pick up any weapon I wanted. And I liked to wake up in Khenarthi's Roost in refuge camp. Raz was near and greeted me. Good old days.
Yeah that is a minor annoyance, but honestly, it's not like we can't start with a full set of level one gear that we craft on another character, or get a friend to craft, and mail to us, using our materials. I'd actually given this one thought, and decided, that in comparison to the other things I suggested, was a VERY MINOR annoyance. Not gonna lie, I did the crafted gear thing in closed beta.
Yeah, sure. But I look on this situation from new players perspective. I remeber my first beta and my first character. I could choose any weapon and I really felt freedom. New players don't have friend or alt to craft.