Call me weird but I actually appreciate that TES do not have clothing/armour styles that cater to 14-year old boys :P
First I am a grown WOMAN - second - The new armour ACTUALLY shows more skin than the old. Please let's don't be ridiculous. I loved the Redguard FOR the mandarin-style high collar and regal look.
If I was talking about Bikini Armour in WOW I could see your point. I'm not.
Lawl, I use it because it has the collar and straps and overlapping cloth, the new one is just bland, as for boob window, I was talking about Orc Heavy.
As for catering to 14yr old boys, I'm 27, and I'd prefer seductive armor on my female toons than TERA armor or WoW Armor, or any other asian MMO, currently ESO offers nice choices, but it seems to me like they're getting rid of those choices pretty soon
Meh, Dunmer Light armor is really nice as well, dunno if boob windows are your thing, regardless, Dunmer light has one, though it's more of their upper neck/shoulders. I think it looks very pompous and rich, as opposed to...... Nord, which looks ridiculous, though for Light Armor, Dwemer Jerkin ftw!
YES exactly on Redguard! I love it. Y re Orc, too.
Yes re new armour - so bland and just icky. I has a sad.
Yeah I LOVE the Dwemer Jerkin except the extrabiglong FLAPS - omg, I feel like they must bruise my legs :P
I'll check out the dark elf too
Daedric is worse, for the flaps I mean... But I kind of like it, what I hate is the middle flap is soooooooooo tiny, it looks disproportionate and awkward. Oh well, I hope you find something, vanity is just as important as DPS
What exactly in that first picture appeals to hormone-addled teenagers? The body is almost fully covered in both new and old style. The new one is just uglier.Call me weird but I actually appreciate that TES do not have clothing/armour styles that cater to 14-year old boys :P
Yeah but it was a no skin showing boob window if it even was - or ya mean the Orc?
Yeah. I am -.- about this - I know some people think it's dumb but I care about how my stuff looks.
Also: I was going for a more casual look - wearing a sea drake costume - but the stupid Sanctuary Quest thing borked my costume and ESOs answer when the one they sent will not equip at all (no animation, no costume - just nothing happens at all) is 'level another character and get a new one and maybe that will work otherwise just go away.'
I mean why pay someone to change this? Weren't there enough other things to ruin?
I don't think that's the reason. ESO didn't have any outfits so revealing that they could cause problems. Also, I don't see why consoles automatically mean more kids playing, but okay.Artemiisia wrote: »we talked about it in guild and came to a theory about why they are removing all these boob windows.
Since the game is going to be released onto consuls, more kids will start to play it, and they probably wont wanna offend anyone with showing a little skin, even with a M-Rated game
One thing though, if people wanted to, they can still go "naked", so yeah there are still flaws in the theroy
Artemiisia wrote: »we talked about it in guild and came to a theory about why they are removing all these boob windows.
Since the game is going to be released onto consuls, more kids will start to play it, and they probably wont wanna offend anyone with showing a little skin, even with a M-Rated game
One thing though, if people wanted to, they can still go "naked", so yeah there are still flaws in the theroy
Seadrake costume is from a like...level 3 quest in Daggerfall zones isn't it?
Should be able to make a new character and run straight to get that disguise if you want to see if you can get a working copy.
Orc Heavy has a boob window on live, but Redguard Light shows off both male and female chests on the low level gears.
Even on the higher level non-boob-window version in your pictures, the old Redguard style clearly looks better.
Are the golden saint/seducer costumes even getting changed? Those are vastly more revealing than the Orsimer heavy.
Artemiisia wrote: »we talked about it in guild and came to a theory about why they are removing all these boob windows.
Since the game is going to be released onto consuls, more kids will start to play it, and they probably wont wanna offend anyone with showing a little skin, even with a M-Rated game
One thing though, if people wanted to, they can still go "naked", so yeah there are still flaws in the theroy
Yep. Comparison pics. Scroll up to see the female version and Red Rook disguise. This is basically the same thing that happened to low level Redguard light armor.
Is that so? Well dang.
I don't think that's the reason. ESO didn't have any outfits so revealing that they could cause problems. Also, I don't see why consoles automatically mean more kids playing, but okay.
The most reasonable explanation seems to be that they want to sell us attractive outfits in the crown store, so they're uglifying existing ones. Pretty much the same thing they've done with XP gain. We'll see soon enough, when new costumes start rolling in.