As i use the guild store and sell stuff like item sets, i find it awkward to put each piece of the set separately on the store. Package would come in picture here. You could "pack" the item set you created or any other stuff you want to sell as one like ancient elf motif plus stack of palladium as extra or anything else and then put that whole package in the guild store for sale. When hovering mouse over package that is on sale, it would show list of contents of the package with levels and enchants. It would also show sets name. Then you would be able to sell sets as whole set with price set for that whoöle package instead of forced to search and buy/sell each piece separately. Please add to this your own vision of the package if you have one.. I would also love to see ideas of what the package descriptiuon could look like or what it would actually show so that it is simple and informative enough at the same time.
Buy order
This is something we use a lot in the EVE online, it helps to keep prices and economy working well and also gives people a way to show what they are really wishing to buy instead of just people putting random items at store and wish that someone is interested in that stuff.. For example, if i would want to buy iron ore, 200 pieces of it. I would then place a buy order and set a price for unit of iron ore so that a stack of 200 would cost me 200 gold for example. Now that i have placed my buy order, people could sell their iron ore for me, 1 piece or 10 piece or the whole 200 at once if they have enough of that stuff. These buy orders are such, that anyone could sell to me and everyone selling to me would also grow my stack until i have the whole 2 100 stacks of iron ore i ordered for.
In other case, someone could place a buy order for daedra hearts, or palladium.. Or Birch orany items that are heavy iron and have intricate trait on them.. There are many possibilities..
This system could also be improved even further by using guild vendors as a tool for anyone to place regional buy orders.. One could for example, place a buy order near a zone where he knows are lot of those iron ore nodes... Or near a source of them daedra hearts... Then people could also seek for better prices by travelling a bit further away from cities.. I know that this would get easily shunned by todays gamers due lack of willingness to mobilise themselves outside major hubs but still... You would not have to use it if you dont want? If you have anything to say about this, just say so.
>>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<