Things that I have heard in ESO zone chat:
- racial slurs
- sexual dialogue (both light and heavy)
- all manner of homophobic comments
- profanity
- large amounts of repeated scroll spam (countless lines full of nothing but punctuation marks or gibberish text)
Seeing as how it is highly unlikely that any of these accounts were punished in any way, I find it highly dubious that benign social conversation would be against the ToS in any way.
Just to add when you first joined the game what was the only way you could talk to other players, the first chat channel you found and the only means to ask questions, and then form a social bond with players? Perhaps get inducted into a guild by some nice talkative person who spared the time to bring you in to ESO.
You should think about the new players, you should think about how pragmatic the rules in zone are, and then you should think about all the ways you could have achieved everything you said above just by knowing how to use a team speak, a guild or any other friendly chat you could have used and do to find out information, that new players have no idea about.
What you are in fact condoning is being unhelpful, silencing help and advice, and having only regard for less than new payers, what you are in fact condoning is acting selfishly, so that all the things you want to hear are there and those you don't are not. The fact that you have no regard for socialising on a social medium, is the least, I think of your worries hence. Presumably you find the ignore feature a s big a mystery as all the other chat fascists?
This thread isn't about any specific kind of conversations, it's about socializing in general. Some posters above feel that zone chat should be reserved only for trading, LFG and similar utilitarian purposes - never for conversation, no matter how friendly and polite it is.I'm a great believer in two things where public chat channels are concerned.
First, if you feel the need to ask whether something is permissable for a public chat channel then the likelihood is that it is not.
Second, when typing in a public chat channel, imagine that someone you live with - your mother, spouse, significant other etc - is looking over your shoulder and reading what you are typing. If that makes you - or it would make them - uncomfortable then you can reasonably assume that someone else in the game is also going to feel uncomfortable reading it, so don't type it.
Zone should be what I want not what is allowed by the rules: who are you the thought police. Zone is for general chit chat, and trade, advice anything else that is in that social spectrum, as you well know if it wasn't the game would not be an MMO it would be a silent zone without any chance to form a community.
Seems to me you don't like people making friends in a social medium or socialising which is fine, just use the ignore function.
What you want to be and what is allowed by the rules are two different things, and if you want to create a fuss about it you can of course. But you're not exercising your mouse in the correct way and using ignore like any sensible prtson would when annoyed by a conversation they no more want to take part in or could.
Games are full of different people that are not you, thank god, or there'd be no point playing at all.
Hortator Mopa wrote: »
In the end no one cares, go take it to a chat that does not stop the flow of trade and grouping.
I think some people have got the odd idea that talking in a channel that is a general channel for trade or chat etc is somehow wrong and also simultaneously seem unable to use the ignore function instead preferring to moan incessantly at people for spamming.
As far as I can tell there is absolutely no policing of the zone chats in any way. If find it sort of ironic since you can get a warning on the forums just for using the "T" word.Things that I have heard in ESO zone chat:
- racial slurs
- sexual dialogue (both light and heavy)
- all manner of homophobic comments
- profanity
- large amounts of repeated scroll spam (countless lines full of nothing but punctuation marks or gibberish text)
Seeing as how it is highly unlikely that any of these accounts were punished in any way, I find it highly dubious that benign social conversation would be against the ToS in any way.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say someone trolled you in chat.