The way I assume it to be, is all Khajiit 'kittens' or newborn come out looking the generally same way/same size but after they are born and start to age they slowly begin to conform to whichever breed they are depending on the moon cycle.
So an alfiq and Senche-raht brother/sister pair would look identical as new borns but say 3 weeks down the line and the Senche-raht is already horse sized and the alfiq looking more house-cat-ish.
The way I assume it to be, is all Khajiit 'kittens' or newborn come out looking the generally same way/same size but after they are born and start to age they slowly begin to conform to whichever breed they are depending on the moon cycle.
So an alfiq and Senche-raht brother/sister pair would look identical as new borns but say 3 weeks down the line and the Senche-raht is already horse sized and the alfiq looking more house-cat-ish.
Yes, it is not at all genetic but only determined by the moons, so an alfiq alfiq mating could give birth to the Mane for all we know. The size would become apparent only AFTER the birth. All litters come to about the same size for Khajiits and only later grow to attain their breed sizes given to them by the moons
From game books over the years, my understanding is when a Khajiit give birth to a cub / kitten. The cub / kitten will look like the same and are about the same size. It takes about a week or so to see the changes the phrases of the moons had caused.
So a huge khajiit breed like a Cathay-raht will be the same sized as an Alfiq when born. The Cathay-raht will grow longer to get to their HUGE sized and Alfiq will not grow that much. Thus, any Khajiit Sub-Race can give birth to any other Khajiit Sub-race.
The reason I twitch every time I see Senche in the game; if you follow the descriptions, the "senche" in the game are far closer to the pahmar/pahmar-raht than they are to the senche.
The reason I twitch every time I see Senche in the game; if you follow the descriptions, the "senche" in the game are far closer to the pahmar/pahmar-raht than they are to the senche.
In another thread the 'lore master' at ZoS confirmed that the 'senche-tigers' we see in game aren't Khajiit but merely wild animals/actual big cats called senche-(insert something here) by Khajiit for some reason.
The senche mount coming soon (the big horse sized one) is an actual Khajiiti senche.
Also you can see a Pahmar under a walkway in Riften.
Meh, that's blatant retcon of a poor earlier design.
The reason I twitch every time I see Senche in the game; if you follow the descriptions, the "senche" in the game are far closer to the pahmar/pahmar-raht than they are to the senche.
In another thread the 'lore master' at ZoS confirmed that the 'senche-tigers' we see in game aren't Khajiit but merely wild animals/actual big cats called senche-(insert something here) by Khajiit for some reason.
The senche mount coming soon (the big horse sized one) is an actual Khajiiti senche.
Also you can see a Pahmar under a walkway in Riften.
The way I assume it to be, is all Khajiit 'kittens' or newborn come out looking the generally same way/same size but after they are born and start to age they slowly begin to conform to whichever breed they are depending on the moon cycle.
So an alfiq and Senche-raht brother/sister pair would look identical as new borns but say 3 weeks down the line and the Senche-raht is already horse sized and the alfiq looking more house-cat-ish.
Yes, it is not at all genetic but only determined by the moons, so an alfiq alfiq mating could give birth to the Mane for all we know. The size would become apparent only AFTER the birth. All litters come to about the same size for Khajiits and only later grow to attain their breed sizes given to them by the moons
I would assume it would be easier to tell some breeds from other such as the ohmes being born with more mer/human-like features (no fur, regular mer shaped face/mouth/nose/ears)
The breed depends on the moon phase, it isn't genetic. When a Khajiit gives birth I'm pretty sure no matter what breed, they always start out kitten-like, and depending on the moon phase they grow up to be what they are, Senche, Cathay, Suthay, etc etc.
@Gidorick can correct me if I'm wrong, he's a Kitty fanatic.
Also, so no one gets confused.
Senche is completely different from Senche-Tiger, Senche are sentient and intelligent, Senche-Tigers are just Tigers... And the Senche-Raht... Well...
"The average Senche-raht stands as tall as two Altmer and can weigh as much or more than fifty."
So yeah, Khajiit = Scurry.
Lawrence_Schick wrote: »OFFICIAL ANSWER: Moon Bishop Hulan says, “Many hairless ones are confused by the term ‘senche,’ since we Khajiit use it to mean a variety of things. It is used as ‘senche’ and ‘senche-raht’ to refer to two of the seventeen distinct furstocks, or ‘breeds,’ of Khajiit. The senche-raht, in fact, are the largest of us! But we also use the term ‘senche-tiger’ to refer to our more catlike cousins of lesser sentience. Indeed, depending upon the appearance of these cousins, we might even call them ‘senche-leopards’ or ‘senche-panthers.’ So you see that the term ‘senche’ is very flexible indeed, as changeable as the Moons.”
From game books over the years, my understanding is when a Khajiit give birth to a cub / kitten. The cub / kitten will look like the same and are about the same size. It takes about a week or so to see the changes the phrases of the moons had caused.
So a huge khajiit breed like a Cathay-raht will be the same sized as an Alfiq when born. The Cathay-raht will grow longer to get to their HUGE sized and Alfiq will not grow that much. Thus, any Khajiit Sub-Race can give birth to any other Khajiit Sub-race.
The reason I twitch every time I see Senche in the game; if you follow the descriptions, the "senche" in the game are far closer to the pahmar/pahmar-raht than they are to the senche. If anyone played Morrowind, Jobasha the bookseller was a Suthay-raht.
Interview with Three Booksellers:Jobasha:
Ah, you are wiser than most, for the only Khajiit most men notice are the Ohmes-raht and Suthay-raht.
Khajiit are bound to the Lunar Lattice, the ja'Kha'jay. The phases of Masser and Secunda at birth determine the form a Khajiit takes in life. Khajiti newborns look very similar to one another, with their form becoming clear over several weeks. We are smaller than you humans when we are born, but we grow faster.
When Masser is new and Secunda is full, the Ohmes is born. They are like the Bosmer, but sometimes shorter. Many Ohmes tattoo their faces to show they are Khajiit.
When Masser is new and Secunda is waxing, the Ohmes-raht is born. They have light fur and a tail, but they walk on their heels like men, and can be mistaken for men at a distance.
When Masser and Secunda are new, the Suthay is born. They look similar to Jobasha, but smaller.
When Masser is new and Secunda is waning, the Suthay-raht is born. Jobasha is a Suthay-raht, as are nearly all Khajiit in Morrowind. Other races call the Suthay-raht "Ja'Khajiit," but Jobasha knows not why. "Ja'Khajiit" is one of our words for Mehrunes Dagon.
When Masser is waxing and Secunda is full, the Cathay is born. They are larger than Jobasha, and stronger.
When Masser and Secunda are waxing, the Cathay-raht is born. They are even larger and stronger than the Cathay.
When Masser is waxing and Secunda is new, the Tojay is born.
When Masser is waxing and Secunda is waning, the Tojay-raht is born.
When Masser is waning and Secunda is full, the Alfiq is born. The Alfiq is like what you would call a "housecat." Jobasha does not advise calling an Alfiq a "housecat," for while they are not made to speak your language, they do understand it.
When Masser is waning and Secunda is waxing, the Alfiq-raht is born.
When Masser is waning and Secunda is new, the Dagi is born.
When Masser and Secunda are waning, the Dagi-raht is born.
When Masser and Secunda are full, the Senche is born. The Senche is very large, but similar to the Pahmar-raht. They stand as tall as an Altmer, and can weigh as much as twenty Altmer. Other Khajiit ride them.
When Masser is full and Secunda is waxing, the Senche-raht is born. The Senche-raht is much larger and slower than the Senche. Their legs are straighter and their body is not as long. They stand as tall as two Altmer and can weigh more than fifty Altmer. These are also ridden, especially in battle. Imperials call them "Battlecats," but again, Jobasha does not suggest calling a Senche-raht a "Battlecat."
When Masser is full and Secunda is new, the Pahmar is born. They are like what you would call a "tiger."
When Masser is full and Secunda is waning, the Pahmar-raht is born. They are like the Pahmar, but larger and more dangerous.