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Need help for a simple mod

Soul Shriven
Hi everyone !
I need help writing a mod in lua. (I don't know how to write in lua ..).

I followed a few tutorials and I manage to get this mod working (it's not mine) but I wanted to add some features.
So this is the mod
CombatWarning= {} = "CombatWarning"

function CombatWarning:Initialize()
   CombatWarning.inCombat = IsUnitInCombat("player")

function CombatWarning.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName)
   if addonName == then
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, CombatWarning.OnAddOnLoaded)
EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE, CombatWarning.OnPlayerCombatState)

function CombatWarning.OnPlayerCombatState(event, inCombat)
  if inCombat ~= CombatWarning.inCombat then
    CombatWarning.inCombat = inCombat
    if inCombat then
      d("Entering combat.")
      d("Exiting combat.")

And I would like to add this function EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED (integereventCode, boolmounted) so that when the player get on or off his mount a message appears in the chatbox. I tried doing it like the player combat state function but it's not working ..

Anyone can help me ?
  • katkat42
    @FunkyPizzaMan Sure, let's take a look. It should work similarly to the combat state alerter. What code do you have, and in what way is it not working?
    Stonehenge ROCKS!
  • FunkyPizzaMan
    Soul Shriven
    Well, I need to change the first function (initialisation)
    I supposed I'd write:
    function CombatWarnig:Initialize()
      self.Mounted = IsUnitMounted("player")
      EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED, self.OnMountedState)

    But how do I know what write instead of "IsUnitInCombat" and "XXXX.OnPlayerCombatState" ?
    Edited by FunkyPizzaMan on February 22, 2015 12:11PM
  • katkat42
    Well, I need to change the first function (initialisation)
    I supposed I'd write:
    function CombatWarnig:Initialize()
      self.Mounted = IsUnitMounted("player")
      EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED, self.OnMountedState)

    But how do I know what write instead of "IsUnitInCombat" and "XXXX.OnPlayerCombatState" ?

    Well, the last argument of EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent() is the function that executes when the event fires, in this case when your mounted state changes. And this is the description of the event: EVENT_MOUNTED_STATE_CHANGED (integer eventCode, bool mounted)

    Those two items in parentheses are the arguments passed to your event handler function. The first is the event code; it tells you which event caused your function to execute (so you can use the same function for more than one event); the second tells you whether your character is now mounted (true for mounted; false for on foot).

    The combat state changed event is very similar; its description would look like this: EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE (int eventCode, bool inCombat). Now look at the callback function in the original, OnPlayerCombatState. Can you see the similarities? Does this give you any clues?
    Stonehenge ROCKS!
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