Mr. Wheeler,
The PvP in this game is great and it allows us to have a lot of fun with our friends as well as our enemies. The open world aspect of Cyrodiil is interesting and I think that the Imperial City will bring a refreshed outlook on PvP beyond just emperor trading. With all of that said I believe that the PvP community is running on fumes and has been for 6 months or more. The emp cap and alliance rank grind has become stale. Now the game is still a lot of fun to wipe zergs with your friends (or wipe zergs consisting of your friends) however we need something new.
In your signature it states "Cyrodiil, Campaigns, Keeps and Siege, Imperial City". I would presume that these are the areas that you and your team focus on however as a consumer that has been paying his sub I find myself asking myself. "What does Brian Wheeler and his team do?" There have been no additions to Cyrodiil of visible weight but rather only subtractions. Now this might be due to our limited view of seeing what is on the live server and/or PTS however the changes beyond subtractions are hard to pinpoint.
Campaigns have been limited to 4 vet campaigns and in return the PvP team added 1 non-vet campaign for lowbies. I should note that these campaigns were indeed given new names so that's kind of a fresh change. It might not be the change we were looking for however it often comes up in discussion when we reminisce with our friends about the old times on Auriel's Bow or Scourge (May it RIP) and that is a lot of fun. The keep siege objective gameplay style is great however I think that there should be other aspects to Cyrodiil as well. Trade routes that can be intercepted to gain benefits to your group in that proximity maybe similar to Ayleid wells however if they are not intercepted they could bolster the defensive capabilities of the objective structures within Cyrodiil. When you look beyond the keep and outpost battles in Cyrodiil there isn't that much to do that actually involves PvP. Now I understand that someone will say "But there are daily quests in Cyrodiil"...
That is not PvP. That is PvE. I want to slay players not AI.
A portion of your signature states keeps and siege but what kinds of considerable changes have been made to the keeps and siege? Added a few guards here and there. Added an oil pour height requirement. Removed forward camps. Removed purchasable mercs. Beyond that nothing else comes to mind. Some of the siege weaponry is pretty useless as well so seeing some buffs to that aspect would be nice. Also, keeps should have a different style or layout. I understand that the Imperials are very uniform but essentially all the keeps are exactly the same? This creates a routine capture strategy that is easy to execute or on the other side easy to defend. There needs to be more randomness and variety. Now when I say randomness I don't mean the keeps change via magicka because that would be stupid. When I state that they should be more random is the tactic in which one would take one keep as opposed to another. Also, multiple dimensions on how a single keep can be taken. The common strat is to take a postern or ram the front door. Leaving 3 possible ways of entry and ultimately a predictable defense.
Another aspect that I think needs to be addressed or communicated is PvP gear and the plan for it. Currently, the best sets available in the game are found via PvE. Sure, there are some interesting sets such as the Arch-Mage, Shadow Walker and Morag Tong sets however the traits on those pieces are often less than desirable. With that said I personally love the Ravaging set since it's one of the few PvP bought sets that offer the impen trait which I love. Currently, beyond the PvP alliance rank grind or emperorship farming there are no rewards for the PvP game mode. There is nothing exclusive to PvP players such as gear since all the PvP gear can be traded. There are no significant set bonuses similar to those found with PvE dungeon dailies. I want to PvP and earn my gear through PvP! I don't pay a subscription to this game so I have to waste my time doing PvE dailies to get the best gear in the game to PvP with it. I would politely request (after my last sentence it's hard to say that) some form of token system for better gear with desirable traits be included into the equation.
Last week I made a post requesting some more information regarding the "High End PvP" sets that were shown off at Quake Con 2014. These sets are not in the game currently and I was
extremely disappointed when I saw them featured in the "Mephala's Realm" DLC pack preview screenshot posted by a fellow community member. Did you really allow them to repurpose our
necessary sense of progression and put it behind not only a paygate but one that requires PvE gameplay? We need you to step up to the plate for us when decisions like that could arise. How do you respond when situations like that arise?
QuakeCon Gear concept
Mephala's Realm Teaser
Actual QuakeCon 2014 footage where it reads from his lips that it is "high end pvp gear"Note: 1:08:01 is the timestamp
Lastly, or at least for this post, I arrive at the Imperial City. This is still not in the game despite information from a trustworthy source that it was indeed ready at the guild summit. Now I understand that you might want to make this a DLC and to be completely clear that is OK. You need to make your money somehow but making us wait until post console launch is not reasonable. Now it's been said that the Imperial City is a PvE zone that requires an essence of PvP to open it up or clear enemy players in it however at this point that story has been twisted so many times that we don't know what it is exactly. The best determining action would be to get our hands on it. Imperial City
needs to release soon. The PVP player base needs something new. The Imperial City is "ready" so I think it would be a smart decision to release it even as a day one DLC 3/17/15. Can't believe I just said that but that's how starved the PvP realm is.
I snooped around some old posts regarding additions to Cyrodiil and I found a post here:
Q: Are you all done building Cyrodiil or will there be any PvP updates?
A: There will be plenty of updates to Cyrodiil as the game lives on. There are already plans for the first few patches!
What was added to Cyrodiil in the first few patches? Does this mean adding more guards etc or were actual additions planned but cancelled?
With all of that juicy feedback provided upstairs I think it's important to get more transparency from the PvP team including yourself and communicate "What's the happs" to the players. Whether that's bridging the gap between the community management team and your team or simply just logging a bit more time here on the forums. I would love to know what has been worked on in the PvP team that handles "Cyrodiil, Campaigns, Keeps and Siege, Imperial City" since the guild summit. Something that I have seen work incredibly well with other titles is a work in progress (WIP) section of the forum that kind of shows what the development teams are working on and it also helps allow some valuable feedback regarding concepts before it hits PTS. I think that this would also help the general consensus regarding your approval rating. You might not care however the community says some harsh things your way because of just the simple absence of communication or content delivery.
With all that said I hope that you blow us away with the Imperial City and any upcoming changes (PvP centric gear, Keep design, broadening the dimension of the meta, siege weaponry etc. I went over most of my thoughts and I'm sure the community will have some to add.)
Thanks in advance to
@ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
I hope that you found this post to be constructive. It wasn't my intention to flame a developer but rather provide unbridled feedback from a frustrated customer. Thanks for understanding ahead of time.
I of course encourage you to read the above blocks of text errr I mean feedback.
Features that should be visited
- New or Upgraded Siege. For example: Make ice, lightning etc more viable.
- Updated Keep layout to promote multi-dimensional strategy instead of the same strategy utilized in virtually every siege.
- New objectives that are PvP centric within Cyrodiil. (Trade routes etc. See example provided if more info is needed)
- PvP Gear
What's happening with?
- Again, new PvP sets that are only available via PvP progression. Similar to undaunted.
- Making progression overall in Cyrodiil meaningful.
- Imperial City. Where is it and why won't it be a day one DLC release on 3/17/2015? According to sources it's finished.
- Campaign structure for Tamriel Unlimited