New player NB guide?

Hey guys,

as a new player I did find some normal guides for do's and don't's for new players, but not for specific classes :/
I'm trying a NB as some people told me it was a better starter class than DK for new players. Does anyone have a nice beginner or introduction guide to NB's?

P.s. I accidentally skipped the tutorial after making my NB and thus have no armor or weapons. Does anyone have advice?
Edited by Takhistis on February 19, 2015 7:36PM
NA-DC-NB VR1 Ilythrian
Proud member of Guild Medieval, More Than Fair, The Angry Unicorn Inn
  • Cuyler
    Hi there @Takhistis,

    Guides based on class choices are very subjective. It is really up to the player to decide what is best for their particular play style.

    You'll first need to determine what role your looking to play, that is tank, healer or dps? After that I'd need some more info on what alliance you've chosen and what race?

    In regards to your lack of armor what I suggest is getting into a guild that focusses on helping new players. Ask them to craft you some starter sets for your level with the exploration trait to help you level faster.

    Give me some more infos and I can see if I can't help some more.

    Happy Hunting!
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • MyNegation
    for gear, just roll thru the city and pick the armors and the weapons on the racks and marketplace.
    there is no penalty for stealing yet.
    Nine worlds of lore, Such was the world in dark days of yore
    Safekeeper of the world then was Thor, Such was what they believed in before
    Nine were the worlds of lore
  • Nestor
    Takhistis wrote: »

    P.s. I accidentally skipped the tutorial after making my NB and thus have no armor or weapons. Does anyone have advice?

    You should get a bow, which some NB's use for a second weapon, when you are dropped into the game.

    My advice for a new character is the same no matter what the class.

    1. Have a ability from each skill line for your class on your bar, really important with NB's to leverage the passives
    2. Dual Wield is a natural for a NB, but any weapon can work
    3. Use a mix of armor (light, medium and heavy) while leveling so you can change armor type at anytime
    4. Speaking of Armor, Medium is your friend with a NB, so 5 Medium, 1 Heavy and 1 Light while leveling
    5. For the first 15 levels, use all your skill points on Actives (combat and defense/recovery skills)
    6. Levels 15 to 25 start unlocking passives and morphs and your second weapon (although some of my characters have never developed a second weapon)
    7. Level 25 and on, start adding in support skills (crafting) You can decon and research for crafting and dabble in it before this, but skill points are precious for the first 25 levels
    8. During leveling, keep skills on your bar that need to level even if you are not using them right now. Some skills do not get good until you Morph them. Most of the time, 2 or 3 skills are used, so use the extra slots for leveling. Then manipulate your skill bar for boss fights or Public/Group Dungeons where you need more skills in your rotation.
    9. For the first 15 levels, use the armor that drops from loot, don't repair armor, decon or research it when it gets worn out. Crafted sets won't benefit you much until you get into the 20's, but if you get a dropped set, use it.
    10. Have fun, take your time, no need to rush to max level.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Takhistis
    I'm on the American mega server, Daggerfall Covenant, Breton
    Prefer being dps, to just learn the game easier :)
    Edited by Takhistis on February 19, 2015 4:01PM
    NA-DC-NB VR1 Ilythrian
    Proud member of Guild Medieval, More Than Fair, The Angry Unicorn Inn
  • Cuyler
    Takhistis wrote: »
    I'm on the American mega server, Daggerfall Covenant, Breton
    Prefer being dps, to just learn the game easier :)

    Dual Wield Stamina NB dps in v1.6.3 is being reported as the winner currently. NBs are very squishy however so you'll want to have a ranged stamina based weapon as well on your bar 2, Bow is an obvious choice here.

    @Deltia has put together a good guide here.
    He uses 2H as his bar 1...personally I prefer DW. Take a look at the gear he's recommended as well. Although Hunding's/Hawk Eye is best for bow, I recommend Hunding's/Night Mother Gaze/Shadow Walker Jewelry for Dual wield as well as poison enchants on the weapons (synergizes better with passives).

    These gears are very hard to get however. Focus on a Hunding's/Ashen Grip or Night's Silence to begin. Grab whatever jewelry w/increase max stamina trait and enchant it with reduce feat cost.

    My DW bar 1 looks something like

    Bar 1:
    1 - Evasion (Shuffle morph)
    2 - Teleport Strike (Ambush morph)
    3 - Whirlwind (Whirling Blades morph)
    4 - Drain Power (Power Extraction morph)
    5 - Flurry (Rapid Strikes morph)
    U - Dawnbreaker (Flawless Dawnbreaker morph)

    Assassin's Blade (Impale morph) is the NBs execute skill. It needs to be on at least one bar to execute bosses during their execute phase (~<25% HP). I usually keep it on Bar 2 with my Bow skills (execute bar).

    Flawless Dawnbreaker passively increases your damage by 10%. It should be on the Dps bar your most comfortable with (either DW or BOW not both). Slot Consuming Darkness Ultimate (Veil of Blades morph) on your other bar.

    FD is a Fighter's guild Ultimate and takes a while to unlock and subsequently level up so slot another Ult until you get it. Expert Hunter is another fighter's guild skill as well that increases damage to undead, daedra and ww. Use it for those applications.

    In general:

    When you come across a quest that has the word "objective" tied to the end of it (for example "Glenumbra Objective") the associated quest is considered a major quest and returns better XP than those quests without the objective at the end (minor/side quests). If you want to save time feel free to skip the minor quests as the XP from them basically equates to killing one mob. Do however stop into the solo dungeons to get the skyshards and kill the final boss which gives good XP as well.

    Note: When turning in a quest, slot skills on your bar that you are interested in leveling even if you do not use them all the time (for example evil hunter). This will give them a good boost quickly. The skills you use all the time will usually level well just from killing mobs in transition.
    Edited by Cuyler on February 19, 2015 4:58PM
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Cody
    wait until 1.6 before making up a build.
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Cody wrote: »
    wait until 1.6 before making up a build.


    Form a general idea now, but go to the PTS / wait for 1.6 to hit to actually start with a new build. A lot of things will be changing in general with that update.
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • RainfeatherUK
    Cody is spot on. That said keep an eye on Deltia as someone mentioned, thats also great advice.
  • Takhistis
    ATM I'm leveling my Breton with Heavy Armor, cause else i just keep getting killed. Like a real lot. Whenever I fight 2 mobs, if i block some attack in front of me, im hit from behind with a super attack :(
    ATM using the execute that heals (should reset it when i get les squishy to execute on range)
    Silver Bolts
    Siphon morphed to also heal another
    Lotus Fan
    Surprise Attack
    Morphed Assassination ultimate.
    Using 2H as DW kept getting me killed :(
    NA-DC-NB VR1 Ilythrian
    Proud member of Guild Medieval, More Than Fair, The Angry Unicorn Inn
  • Takhistis
    Using a heavy armor with fire staff and 2H sword. Goes fine atm
    NA-DC-NB VR1 Ilythrian
    Proud member of Guild Medieval, More Than Fair, The Angry Unicorn Inn
  • Canderz22
    Soul Shriven
    Have someone craft you a armor set with what traits you want. Like do you want magicka regen or stamina regen or health regen or a mix of 2 or 3 or just one primarily..... this was my biggest issue when lvling my nb...

    Once I figured out to use armor sets and read all my skills and understand how they can work. That's when my character finally felt powerful.
  • DarkBones
    Hello, im also trying to use a Dual Wield NB, but, i cant seem to handle more than 2 enemys. Some mobs i can only handle one of, if there are two, then im dead.

    I use 2xdaggers and around level 10 now, my skills atm is: Ambush 1 - Swallow soul 1 - Blood Craze 1 - Consumming Trap 1(for soul gems) - Shadow Cloak IV - and for the Ultimate i got death Stroke II.

    Single targets i do just fine, unless it's a HARD "boss".

    My Magicka is 5 and Health 0 and Stamina 4

    I wear med armor and 1 heavy and 2 light for magic regen.

    Any help/guide for better skills? (Dont say bow please, i got another NB that use bow all the time, i wanna play a NB with 2xdaggers.)

    Maybe my rotation is wrong or maybe i just need to try harder as some say l2p... I really could use some guide and help.

    Thank you for reading.
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