The Reapers - PC/Mac EU Server/English Speaking - Social - Crafting -

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Where will you find us?
You will find us on the European (EU) PC/Mac server. We are in the Aldmeri Dominion (AD), we accept other factions into the guild but you would need an AD character for our PVP events. Our Guild Members come from all over the world, but as an English speaking Guild a lot of us are from the UK. You can find us int game via the guild finder or by copy and pasting this link into your chat |H1:guild:1221|hThe Reapers|h

Who are we?
We are a social guild, we have been running since the beginning of Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). We are a casual guild and understand real life comes first, all we ask is you join in when you can. We will not tell our members how to play their game, but will happily give advice if you ask. We began as a crafting guild and you will notice how much time and effort many of us spend levelling crafting skills and gathering motifs and furnishing patterns.

What events/content do we do?
We run a variety of events including Fishing, Motif Farming, Trials and even a smattering of PVP. We also do events just for fun such as Quizzes, Hunts and themed content runs. We particularly like running events for those little achievements or collectables such as "I like Maiq" or collecting the "Big Eared Ginger Kitten"

What facilities and services do we offer?
The best service we provide is the website, we try to keep it up to date with news and information. You will find the month’s events and our monthly update.

Along with the website, we also run a Discord server to allow our members to play together with easier communication and even just to socialise. This service is only for Guild Members, however you do not need to be in game to join us there. Come along and share a meme, drool over recipes or debate exactly how necromancers work in eso lore.

We also offer many crafting services to you from creating new gear to crafting research items and housing furnishings.

We have a house we use as a Guild Hall (the primary residence of @Stubbsy48) which we use for events and has , a Banker, a Merchant and a few Training Skeletons.

We also have a Grimm Reapers Crafting Hall with nearly all the available crafting set stations as well as a Transmutation Station, there seems to be several dark stories in this place.

We also give free Werewolf and Vampire Bites to guild members just ask in guild chat. Nom nom nom

What do we ask of you?
If you are going to be away from the game for longer than two months, let us know on our extended AFK thread and we will hold your place in the guild.

We ask our Initiates to join in, to rank up to full Reaper either socially or with groups and events, within a month of joining us.

We also have a code of conduct which all members must follow.

No Offensive Comments or “Jokes” about Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation or Religion.

N.B. This is considered gross misconduct and you may be kicked without warning
We do not speak about Religion or Politics in our Guild Chat or Discord, please also consider those around you if you are discussing a sensitive subject.

We ask that guild members only speak in English in our Guild chat and Discord

Do not attempt to make any sales in Guild chat. Trading or gifting items is fine but no WTB or WTS.

No other Guilds should be advertised in any way in Guild Chat or on our Website. We appreciate you can be in multiple guilds but no recruiting or name dropping.
We do not accept abusive language towards other players, whether they are a guild member or not.

Should there be a problem you will be given 1 warning by a Reapers Hand or Reapers Council, if the problem continues you will be removed from the guild.
Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on May 20, 2019 3:42PM
May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

Morrigan Duskhunter
Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    The Reapers Journal Event

    This is a regular event, a group of members who have created a character specifically for this series of events. We are clearing all quests and content in each zone.
    We meet Sundays 13.00pm GMT.

    We keep an account of all the quest on K'avar's blog, so it is easy to catch up if you are unable to attend an event.

    We do not do the main story quests (Prophet), the Mages Guild nor the Fighters Guild as these are all solo instanced quests. We ask all members to get the Mages, Fighters & Undaunted Skill Lines and put points into the Persuade and Intimidate passive.

    . Feel free to join us randomly or regularly as a permanent member of the group.
    Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on November 28, 2016 6:19PM
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • luckybush56
    my psn is "tandk333",plz inv me,thx a lot!
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Sorry this a guild on the PC/Mac EU server :)
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Alto_X
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Reapers!

    I am a casual player with several chars, looking for a more social guild that runs PVE patiently & has a go at everything. PVP noob but I do like it... please inv me in game, your guild sounds like a good fit!
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Hello :) an invite has been sent to @Alto_X if this isn't your account name in game please send me a message as we would be happy to have you.

    Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on November 28, 2016 6:20PM
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Alto_X
    Soul Shriven
    Great thanks, see you in-game!
  • Esbia
    What's the current Guild population?
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    We currently have 104 members
    The guild's current population is 126 members.
    Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on November 28, 2016 6:21PM
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Esbia
    We currently have 104 members

    Nice. What's guild activity like? How many people are online at peak? Also is guild chat active?
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Guild chat is quite active although many members choose to talk on our TS server. At peak there is between 15 - 25 members online.
    Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on November 28, 2016 6:22PM
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Esbia
    Guild chat is quite active although many members choose to talk on TS at peak there is between 15 - 25 members online.

    Sounds good. I'd like to join please if possible :). My in game name is Lhaelana and account in Esbia
  • Mosh_Beor
    Soul Shriven
    I m new to the game, played 5 hours at maximum but i still want to join a guild. In my opinion its the best way to earn experience. So i were looking in the Forum for a guild. I don t know if you want to recruit me but i still would like to give it a chance from my side.
    I m not a native English speaker but i am abled to communicate with others i guess.
    My ingame tag is @Profoify.
    I m looking for help sometimes and social contact in this game. :)
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    We welcome all levels and we are happy to help
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • Mosh_Beor
    Soul Shriven
    Thats nice to hear. I am online at the moment so you can invite me :smiley:
  • martyn_young_7b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I wouldn't mine joining i only started playing yesterday but i quite enjoy it i am on the EU server on PC my in game name is Rhass i am only level 7 but i want to play in a group ^^ my class is nightblade and i am going to invest in doing the Clothier Certification :) add me in game. I am have only just got into pve pretty much but i wouldn't mind pvp either ^^
  • simcmahon
    Hi There,

    I'd be real keen to join The Reapers - it sounds exactly like my kind of guild - can I get an invite please? My in game character is a Khajit named Kwell

    "You'll make a fine rug, cat!"
  • moop_mega
    Soul Shriven

    I'd love to join The Reapers. I'm new to this game but looking to get better! My in game name is Meowoop and I'm a level 10 Khajit Nightblade
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    All new guild members should check out our website and will need to register here to become a full member of the guild. Please read the Banking Guidelines as there are 2 bank questions in the application.

    Any questions not answered in the post please send me a message or leave a reply here :)
    Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on November 28, 2016 6:25PM
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • sebasblomb16_ESO2
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, id love to guild The Reapers as well. My character name is poipzilla. Im a lvl 25 wood elf sorcerer.
  • AFCDave90
    Soul Shriven
    Hi. I've filled out the application on your website. Name is Redwoody level 19 woodelf DPS
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Invites sent to you both and thank you Redwoody for filling in our application already :) send @niawrath a friend request if you haven't received your invite :)
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    Hey Everyone!

    We have recently been running around Wrothgar on the PTS and wanted to share with you some of our World Boss encounters there care of our resident Twitcher Eloxar:

    search @eloxar on Twitch for Reapers videos!
    Edited by niawrathb16_ESO on November 28, 2016 6:27PM
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • NovaMarx
    I would like to join (@NovaMarx), as would my boyfriend: @KanedaSyndrome. We have been looking for an AD specific guild for quite some time :smiley:
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • KanedaSyndrome
    NovaMarx wrote: »
    I would like to join (@NovaMarx), as would my boyfriend: @KanedaSyndrome. We have been looking for an AD specific guild for quite some time :smiley:

    Indeed :)
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • niawrathb16_ESO

    Hi we did send you both an invite when you first left the message could you please send me a friend invite so I can invite you @niawrath Thanks :)
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • KanedaSyndrome
    I haven't received an invite yet :)@niawrathb16_ESO
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • niawrathb16_ESO
    The Reapers have a selection of Orsinium based events to celebrate the new DLC! If you want to join in sign up on our website and we can explore the new area together with helpful hints from members who tried the area out on the PTS

    May you have Keen eyes and sharp scythes
    May you have keen eyes and sharp scythes

    Morrigan Duskhunter
    Aldmeri Dominion - Sorcerer

    The Reapers Guild - PC/Mac - EU - AD
    The Reapers Guild are recruiting! We run regular events from Motif Gathering to PvP. We run weekly N. Trials and achievement earning events. We have a website we require you to join us on and a Guild Hall with Transmute and Crafting Stations. We also have TS and Crafting Officers. We are a community we love to help so any experience is welcome. We are looking for people who join in! Jump in a group tag along to an event or play and chill in guild chat or on our Teamspeak channel. Really join in and get chub in our fishing events! Get "welcomed to the asylum" by whispering me
  • steff127b16_ESO
    Hy there :) I'm currently looking for a guild to chat, quest, sozialise, do pledges and stuff and generally have fun :)
    My username is @darksenf, would be very glad to join you :)
  • EDsizm
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join too. ( @EDsizm )

    It's quite lonely playing alone all the time..
  • LillyAngel

    I'd love to join as well, username (@invictusdeus).

    Thanks a lot and see you in the game ;)
    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
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