Cryptwatch fort

Soul Shriven
Its official. There is no skyshard in cryptwatch for. Checked online for where it is supposed to be as well as combed every inch of the dungeon 3 times over. Its not there. Put in a ticket and the GM told me to look harder.
  • Rosveen
    Where did your online sources tell you it's supposed to be? Was anyone else with you in that dungeon, could they see the shard?

    I found a skyshards without the glow once or twice, it wasn't clearly visible but when I walked near it, I could still interact with it.
  • Dru1076
    I just went through this last night. The gem has been moved deeper into the new part of the dongeon. It is there, in a room between the old location and the open area where the boss is. Keep looking...the info on help sites is outdated.
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