Looking for a casual guild or at least an active one

Me and the wife currently got back to the game with our noob VR9's area looks bare but its probably when we play. We were looking for a few guilds to join. We are DC's and just want to find some guild mates to horse around and do some dung's etc... We also were looking for some trading guilds since our current one seems very old west ghost townish. :P Please hit us up @greentreant or @tritz or at least reply to this post .
  • Demonically_Angelic
    I'll drop you a whisper in game, but if you're not on check out The Order Of The Mythic Dawn - our website is: http://mythicdawnguild.enjin.com/aboutus and you can also find out more about us on our recruitment thread on here.
    [< 3] Iron Legion PvP [< 3]
    [< 3]Brother Of Redemption ~ Elder Council[< 3]

    <Demonically Angelic ~ Templar Healing
    Spicy Tacos - Mag NB

    Daggerfall Covenant ~ NA [< 3 < 3]
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