Maybe this will help:
" Guards at keeps can no longer see you if you’re stealthed outside of their detection radius." (pts patch notes v.1.6.2)
Awetopsy1703 wrote: »I was going to sneak past this post but i'm stuck in combat and can't stealth
Stealth is being difficult to detect, not invisible, so yes, there is stealth in this game. Being stealthy does not make you invisible. Although I probably should've used the word sneak.seancaputo_ESO wrote: »There is a fine grey area here... Some teammates always scream how did he see me....
There is no true stealth in this game -- There is an invisibility pot, and the KB can shadow out for a few seconds - but can be knocked out.
Everyone can sneak -- but that is not stealth. You can have passives to make it harder to detect... but again, no one is stealthed here.
nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO wrote: »It has seriously changed in 1.6.3. Now you can easily sneak within 10-15 yards of a resource flag and not get guard agro. This opens up for stealth groups taking resources and not been detected until they are on the flag.