Trading sub forum?

Why is there no trading forums for ESO for buying and selling stuff? Or am I being blind?
Edited by Troneon on February 15, 2015 11:28PM
Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
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  • Rosveen
    Trading threads are against the forum rules. Don't ask me why.
  • Sacadon
    There are external sites but I've never used. I do wish we could at least post WTB. For example, WTB & will pay 50K for waist, arms, feet pieces to Duroc's Bane Set.
    Edited by Sacadon on February 15, 2015 11:48PM
  • Troneon
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Trading threads are against the forum rules. Don't ask me why.

    Why on earth would they make it against rules? That's just silly...

    Every game has trading sub forums....
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
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  • dharbert
    I started an ESO trading site a couple of months ago, but it didn't quite take off like I thought it would. I haven't quite finished everything yet, but everyone is more than welcome to use it.

    ESO Trade

    In addition to the trade section, there are also general and information areas. I was pretty much finished with a master list of all gear in the game, but due to 1.6 I put it on hold because I will have to change a lot of stuff. There is also information about bag, bank and horse prices, along with a few personal builds.

    It's not much, but hey, it's a place to trade. I'd love to see it have a lot more traffic and for everyone to be able to buy, sell, and trade much easier.
  • Troneon
    dharbert wrote: »
    I started an ESO trading site a couple of months ago, but it didn't quite take off like I thought it would. I haven't quite finished everything yet, but everyone is more than welcome to use it.

    ESO Trade

    In addition to the trade section, there are also general and information areas. I was pretty much finished with a master list of all gear in the game, but due to 1.6 I put it on hold because I will have to change a lot of stuff. There is also information about bag, bank and horse prices, along with a few personal builds.

    It's not much, but hey, it's a place to trade. I'd love to see it have a lot more traffic and for everyone to be able to buy, sell, and trade much easier.

    Cool :) Will take a look, hopefully they will allow a trading sub forum soon?

    We really need one to find items.

    I checked 8 trading guilds last night and still could not find I was looking for....
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
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  • Digiman
    Troneon wrote: »

    Why on earth would they make it against rules? That's just silly...

    Every game has trading sub forums....

    I agree, it is rather ridiculous and actually hinders trading in ESO all the more further.
  • Troneon
    Digiman wrote: »

    I agree, it is rather ridiculous and actually hinders trading in ESO all the more further.

    That's what I was thinking, I don't understand their thinking on this.
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
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  • Jaxsun
    Troneon wrote: »
    Why is there no trading forums for ESO for buying and selling stuff? Or am I being blind?

    Inexplicably, no, add it to the list of ZOS incompetence.
  • dharbert
    Because a trade sub-section on this forum would ruin their precious, dysfunctional, guild trader system.

    What they don't realize is, they already have a global auction house in place, you just have to travel to a hundred different traders to access it. They should just make kiosks where everything from every trader is accessible from one place.

    I guess Zenimax thinks that players enjoy having to travel between 100 guild traders in multiple zones just to maybe have a chance of finding a single item they are looking for. All guild traders fall into two categories. Either they don't have anything on them, or they have the exact same stuff as every other trader.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    There is/was a third party website for such but to be honest, many players do not enjoy the spamming and the effects of a global market economy from Auction houses.

    The guild store is honestly more preferred as its a community that tends to work based on a few hundred vs hundreds of thousands. (It keeps prices reasonable and prevents people from price gouging and keeps out BOT companies.

    This may be down or non-functional as I haven't gone there since April/May of last year -

    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Troneon
    I do not care about having a auction house in game.

    But a sub forum where we can post WTS / WTB topics would be more than enough for now and would be a quick fix...

    Then players can find each other in game.

    Right now I have to check a zillion guild stores one by one travelling or join 5 trading guilds and still not find what im looking for sometimes.

    Please add a trading sub forum.
    Edited by Troneon on February 17, 2015 2:17PM
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • P3ZZL3
    I'm all for a Sub Trading Forum. Think it would be a good Idea for those "harder than normal" Items to find :)

    As for the AH aspect, or a "Kiosk" based approach, mentioned by dharbert - it would be dreadful. How quickly would all prices be driven down and standardised. You have 100 voidstone to sell, quick search on the AH and boom, 600 gold it is. I'll sell mine at 600 or 599. Booooooooooooooring.

    There is literally nothing better than being in a random zone and finding a Guild Trader selling that v1 Signet of the Warlock for 1000g, or jumping on a zone chat message where you can pick up a nice motif for 5k

    That being said, it can be a bit tedious going to so many traders some times, but I've learnt that certain ones are good, others are average, and even more weirdly enough are empty... *shrugs*
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
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  • Troneon
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    I'm all for a Sub Trading Forum. Think it would be a good Idea for those "harder than normal" Items to find :)

    As for the AH aspect, or a "Kiosk" based approach, mentioned by dharbert - it would be dreadful. How quickly would all prices be driven down and standardised. You have 100 voidstone to sell, quick search on the AH and boom, 600 gold it is. I'll sell mine at 600 or 599. Booooooooooooooring.

    There is literally nothing better than being in a random zone and finding a Guild Trader selling that v1 Signet of the Warlock for 1000g, or jumping on a zone chat message where you can pick up a nice motif for 5k

    That being said, it can be a bit tedious going to so many traders some times, but I've learnt that certain ones are good, others are average, and even more weirdly enough are empty... *shrugs*

    I feel the same way about it, global auction house would be a bad idea and just saturate the market and force undercutting by 1g kind of crap.

    The Trading sub forum would bring a much needed refresh to a stale, stagnated and split all over the place economy without wrecking it.

    People could use both a trading sub forum and the in game guild stores as well.
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
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  • Theosis
    I spent an entire hour seeking one *&%^%#G item for a daily provisioning quest.

    This needs to change.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • Theosis
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    I'm all for a Sub Trading Forum. Think it would be a good Idea for those "harder than normal" Items to find :)

    As for the AH aspect, or a "Kiosk" based approach, mentioned by dharbert - it would be dreadful. How quickly would all prices be driven down and standardised. You have 100 voidstone to sell, quick search on the AH and boom, 600 gold it is. I'll sell mine at 600 or 599. Booooooooooooooring.

    There is literally nothing better than being in a random zone and finding a Guild Trader selling that v1 Signet of the Warlock for 1000g, or jumping on a zone chat message where you can pick up a nice motif for 5k

    That being said, it can be a bit tedious going to so many traders some times, but I've learnt that certain ones are good, others are average, and even more weirdly enough are empty... *shrugs*

    I respect your point of view and I can understand why you feel this way.

    I like a world were things can be exciting and have mystery in it.


    When I spend almost all my time of that I have very little to play looking for one thing for a quest I find this style very tedious and frustrating.

    I can understand why ZOS has to go Buy to Play because people like the convenience of a world AH. Not many people want to spend so much time looking for the right store. Me included.
    This is were my signature would be if I was allowed one.
  • P3ZZL3
    And I respect your Theosis. It's just different types of play style and time available. I spend a good couple of hours a night after work on it, helps me unwind. But then, you're also talking to someone who puts in 45-60mins a day, every day, in Cralorn hoping for a .25% Nirncrux drop ;) lol

    If there was a system where players could put maybe a reverse auction out, that could be an interesting solution.

    Where you, the person who is not wanting to farm for hours to find something, can put in an auction request for say "Fortified Nirncrux @ 15,000g". This auction runs for a total of 30 minutes. People can access it and place a figure on what they would sell the Nirncrux for, with the price reducing. The system withdraws the 15,000g immediately and then pays the winning bidder, who automatically has the item mailed to you. Everyone wins.

    That way, it would allow people to try to get what they need quickly and globally, but also will not drive the prices down in the global market ;)
    CP561 Redguard | Jabsy Templar | Stamina Build
    CP561 Breton | Jesus Beam Templar | Magicka Build Forever!
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