Hello all, I just recently resubscribe after taking a 5 month or so break. I have noticed a lot of improvements and the game is looking really good, but upon loading into my main ( vet level 4, Imperial DK ) I noticed that alot of my skill points were refunded, no big deal. Then I noticed that all my crafting stuff had been reset to 1, like a fresh character. What happened? Did they do a massive crafting reset or something? I had Blacksmithing, Tailoring and Wood Working max level and most of the traits researched on Blacksmithing and Tailoring. Also had almost all motifs researched except for Primal and Ancient Elf and now those were gone. I hate to think that all the times researching, material gathering, material breaking down and ore mining and the amount of time farming motifs or gold spent on motifs just went down the drain. I played a butt load of this game back during beta and even more at launch up till 5 months after launch, also bought the Imperial Edition and bought 3 of my friends copies of the games ( all of which only stuck with it for maybe a month). Bottom line is, did they do server side resets or is there something wrong with my account? Any incite or help is appreciated. Thanks