Hey guys,
When it comes to feedback, balance is everything. But I've felt lately that Zenimax has gotten more complaints about details than thumbs up for things they've done right.
So to restore this balance I've created this thread, so everyone can give their opinnion on which features they like, what they are excited about and what they would like to see in the future of this game.
I think it would be good for Zenimax to see what people enjoy the most, so they can focus on bringing similar content in coming updates.
So, what are your favorite activities in the land of Tamriel? What makes you come back every time you play? And what would you like to see in an upcoming patchnote?
- A fellow gamer
Edited by log234 on February 4, 2015 12:11PM
First ever Emperor of Dawnbreaker (EU)
Aldmeri Dominion:
- Aendir Celion (Former Emperor): Bosmer - NB - Bow & DW
- Varda Eléntari: Imperial - Templar - DW
Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who needs a bot to finish a game.
Meridia, Stendarr, Dibella and Julianos