a couple of us have suggested a system like this :
If you run AA you get the loot from the final boss....but you also get an AA token...or if you ran hel ra you would get a hel ra token. those tokens are bind on pick up and cant be sold or bought in the crown shop. once you get enough of those token you can go to an npc where you can exchange those tokens in for the gear that you just cant seem to farm because the rng is crazy in this game. once you get that gear its bound.
ooo sorry no i mean you could the same thing with undaunted. a token system. any system is better than what we have now. i have like 50 undaunted runs with not a single shouldera couple of us have suggested a system like this :
If you run AA you get the loot from the final boss....but you also get an AA token...or if you ran hel ra you would get a hel ra token. those tokens are bind on pick up and cant be sold or bought in the crown shop. once you get enough of those token you can go to an npc where you can exchange those tokens in for the gear that you just cant seem to farm because the rng is crazy in this game. once you get that gear its bound.
What do AA and Hell Ra have to do with Undanted? Honestly i think they are good as they are.
Keep to the subject - Undanted Box Loot System.
I would rather see them binding on equip.
I really dislike the idea of other currencies when you can calculate that it will take you exactly 32 dungeon runs to get your item. That just makes it dull in my opinion.
A Reputation system could also work.
That said, I'd like to see a Need/Greed implemented for the helmets and rare sets (and Trials).
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »None of the above.
Allow a points system that at least increases your chances of getting a shoulder piece, much like gear upgrade chance.
You'd have a higher chance of getting a shoulder piece, while not guaranteeing that you would immediately get the shoulder piece.
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
its personal loot. has nothing to do with need or greed.. what you loot is you only. no other in game can loot your stuff so in fact the need and greed is obsolete in this case and cannot work.
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
Its personal loot. has nothing to do with need or greed.. What you loot is you only. No other in game can loot your stuff so in fact the need and greed is obsolete in this case and cannot work.
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
its personal loot. has nothing to do with need or greed.. what you loot is you only. no other in game can loot your stuff so in fact the need and greed is obsolete in this case and cannot work.
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
Its personal loot. has nothing to do with need or greed.. What you loot is you only. No other in game can loot your stuff so in fact the need and greed is obsolete in this case and cannot work.
How about having it only for the most difficult content, e.g. Sanctum Ophidia, which you raid with people you know anyhow? That way, no random would roll need on the stuff you need, since you're doing that content with people you know & trust.
The way it currently works is, you do a trial, you wish for the thing you need to drop for you, RNG says "f you"->your grp mates get the stuff you need and they don't, and you get stuff you just end up deconstructing, after wasting hundreds of potions to kill that boss.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »None of the above.
Allow a points system that at least increases your chances of getting a shoulder piece, much like gear upgrade chance.
You'd have a higher chance of getting a shoulder piece, while not guaranteeing that you would immediately get the shoulder piece.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
its personal loot. has nothing to do with need or greed.. what you loot is you only. no other in game can loot your stuff so in fact the need and greed is obsolete in this case and cannot work.
I'm curious, what specifically makes Need/Greed so unappealing to you?
Its personal loot. has nothing to do with need or greed.. What you loot is you only. No other in game can loot your stuff so in fact the need and greed is obsolete in this case and cannot work.
How about having it only for the most difficult content, e.g. Sanctum Ophidia, which you raid with people you know anyhow? That way, no random would roll need on the stuff you need, since you're doing that content with people you know & trust.
The way it currently works is, you do a trial, you wish for the thing you need to drop for you, RNG says "f you"->your grp mates get the stuff you need and they don't, and you get stuff you just end up deconstructing, after wasting hundreds of potions to kill that boss.
WoW remedied this by having one of something drop. Group then decided who it went to...
Wolfsspinne wrote: »@DDank
It's not about "to know & trust".
Need and greed can't be implemented because the game doesn't support groupwide loot.
Wolfsspinne wrote: »@DDank
It's not about "to know & trust".
Need and greed can't be implemented because the game doesn't support groupwide loot.
See what I wrote about WoW & personal loot above.
There's no reason why a game couldn't support both systems