What do you get for Fps?

I'm wondering what you guys get for Fps in towns/zone/cyrodiil ?

Really looking for comparisons with people that have similar specs?

Alienware x51 windows 8.1
Intel i7 -4790 CPU @3.60GHz
16G Ram
Geforce GTX 760 Ti Oem
250g SSD

I usually get 45 fps in town and 60 out in zone. Cyrodiil goes between 35-50 im running Settings full maxed with NVidia GeForce experience optimized graphics
Also been wondering if running the game on a 32 inch LED Samsung Tv if that has any effect?
  • Alphashado
    I have a very similar rig except I am using the GTX 770. Same CPU and RAM.

    I run on Ultra with Grass effects turned off. Mainly because it makes it easier to see gathering nodes. But if I turn virtual sync off, I get 100 FPS in the woods, 70-80 FPS in Town, and 40-60 FPS in Cyrodiil.

    With Virt Sync turned on, I stay capped at 60 FPS almost everywhere except sometimes in town or cyrodiil it drops to 30-40.

    All in all, I run on Ult and VERY seldom notice any kind of performance issues.
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