Disclaimer: Prepare for a long post of drunken sleep deprived Panda rant that will progressively degrade into gibberish and unintelligible sweet nothings. Any armor you see from the Nexus is not mine, all linky-ma-jiggers will be posted down at the bottom of the post if you want to see them. No typos will be fixed because this was finished at 4am EST, I've had five beers and no sleep for the last thirty-three hours, seventeen minutes. 
With the release of 1.6 and announcement of Tamriel: Unlimited I got to thinking about the new content due to release, Wrothgar and Swamp-Land-No-One-Cares-About-Because-Lizards, and the new armors that will be released with it. Currently the armors in game, while basic, do a good job of looking cool and... Well... Functioning? I guess. But what turns me off is a lot of the armor is painted on, knowingly that it helps frames and game performance in Cyrodiil. But what they could do with newer armors is add a cloak-like feature already scene in the Way of Fire pants and Of the Air pants and work better on the shoulders, right now the only two shoulders that make me go "Mmph oh yes!" Are the Dominion Medium and Heavy shoulders. The rest just float there looking very out of place and dull. But... That's beside the point.
These are just general ideas of what Light armor could eventually look like, right now light and medium tend to be the coolest looking. Heavy lacks. Also, hate on the Revan concept art will grant you a slap to the face, kick to the balls and my teeth sunk deep into your neck. Did I mention I'm legally insane?
Again, just general ideas.Heavy-Er-R-Mur
The heavy armor currently in game is meh, some, and when I mean some I mean hardly none of it, is appealing to the eye, but some pieces can be combined and worked with. I feel like ESO needs to work on more cloaky, raggedy looks. Everything in ESO as of right now looks to damned pretty, need more ragged, tattered armor with fur all over it. They do however look to be headed in the right direction with the Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood armors that look, from the concept art, oh so sexy.Thieves Guild
Dark Brotherhood
Assorted Concept Art
The first image of the Assorted Concept Art, the mismatched Undaunted armor. Where the hell it be at? I drool profusely every time I lay eyes upon it, the way the shoulder pad overlaps down the bicep, the thigh-guards on medium armor variant, and the hip cloak thingy on the light armor. WHERE IS IT!!?! This is the kind of armor I want to see in game, and if any of the new armor looks like it. Please give me a hint @ZOS_RichLambert. As for any armor that you want to look exotic, make it a disguise in the Crown Store, or new Trial reward etc. Overall, when time allows, it'd be nice to see a revamp/overall/redesign of a lot of armor in the game, just make it look prettier and sexier and bootyfull to the eyes. If needed I'll supply the caffeine for the art team 
Anyways, rant over. Now, DISCUSS!!
EDIT - More Various Armors
This is a perfect example of what Heavy Armor should look like in ESO, the only set that comes close to it is Dominion Heavy armor.
This last piece of armor is gorgeous and I demand it be added into the game, even if I have to solo all three trials on hardmode to get it. Thank you.
Overall I think the game just lacks in creative looking armor, there are some exceptions but not a lot. I think what ZOS should do to add variety is allow you to save a Disguise, to what your current armor looks like and is dyed like, so lets say you're wearing 7/7 light and all in redguard style, then you save it to a disguise, and you can run around naked, but if you wear the disguise then you still look like you're wearing armor. It would allow people to mismatch armor pieces and customize themselves more rather than wear the atrocious light armor trial gear headpiece

If this is doable then I say get on it ZOS! Let people have more freedom!
Nexus Links.
Edited by Panda244 on February 1, 2015 10:03PM Aldmeri Dominion For Life!
Crassus Licinius II - DK - V14 - Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade NA (The Dragonknight that refuses to go Vampire.)
N'tel Arlena - NB - V14 - Retired Sap Tank of Haderus NA, Harasser of Many (Also, not a vampire. Goes by nickname Nutella.)
Officially Resigned From Cyrodiil As Of 4/15/15 10:24 PM EST.