There is an addon called
"once summoned DataDaedra will quietly record the actual sales prices for goods traded in Tamriel, and bind that sales data to your tooltip whenever you need it."
Reminds me of Auctioneer in WoW except with DataDaedra I don't have to be in a bank at all.
I have it set to auto run a scan of all new sales in all Guilds when I log on. Then also I set it so I can initiate a fresh scan with a hotkey.
So this made me think, Say in the future ZOS offers a mobile banker/Guild store NPC in the Crown store . Could that work? DD works when your anywhere. I am thinking you do not have to be at the Bank or a Guild Kiosk to update the Guild store prices otherwise DD would not work. Or am I missing something?
If there were a Crown store Mobile Bank/Guild Store NPC I would buy in a heartbeat. Bags full? Bank/ Auction some stuff.