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DAWN SHIELD - NA EP Heavy RP/Heavy Lore/Adventurer themed Guild

Soul Shriven
The Dawn Shield


IC Mission Statement

The Planemeld and the Alliance War have left scars upon this land, scars too deep for the normal citizens of Tamriel to heal, and dangers they are ill equipped to defend themselves against. We are united in our stand to protect and act as a Shield for those who cannot protect themselves against this darkness. Our sword will strike true against the vile powers that challenge the safety and prosperity of the common citizens of Tamriel. And finally, our compassion will leave this land better than the way we found it, before we move on. The Dawn Shield will shine their light upon those who need it the most, and deliver its retribution against those evil powers who seek to enslave and dominate this world.

As true evil is without alllegiance to any Banner of the Alliance War, neither will we limit ourselves to one people who need our help. We come from the three alliances, members all, but we serve all of Tamriel.

So, if you believe in the right of the common man's wish to live prosperous and happy, and you have the courage to face the darkness, join us! There will be fortune and glory along the way for those who seek it, but the biggest reward will shine in the hearts, and the eyes, of those you will come to save.

[img] Shield 2.jpg[/img]

-- Oenar Traven
Grandmaster of the Dawn Shield


Originally founded by a pair Bosmers from the Fighter's Guild. Erithor and his companion, Celynavae, originally recruited for adventurers looking to right wrong across the land, and to bring the fight to Molag Bal. The overall theme was to remind those seeking to join that this wasn't to be a group of mercenaries, or purely Daedra Hunters, but a unit dedicated to helping the simple folk of Tamriel, without regard to race, nation, or alliance. Those that have no one else to help them, no one else to turn to, could call upon the Dawn Shield for help.

The group grew in number, but without much direction. Erithor had been travelling a long time and grew homesick, and missed the Valenwood. He decided to leave and needed someone to oversee the guild for him. One of first members, a merchant blacksmith by the name of Oenar, was who he had in mind. While the Breton originally though to join the outfit to find a group to sell his wares to, he quickly became caught up in the core values Erithor wanted to embody, and he asked him to take the reins. The Breton agreed, and the two Bosmer left.

Oenar took time to contemplate and think about how he should proceed with this unit. A former military commander of the Lion Guard, he was no stranger to leadership and command, but he departed that life, because the ugliness of the Alliance War forced him to refuse a command that would have slaughtered a Skyrim village to every last man, woman, and child. He resigned his post, and until now, was content to live as a craftsman and merchant. Calling upon his old life again, he realized the overall goal Erithor wished was a good one, but it needed to be grounded with some guidelines to help things along.

Oenar first determined the only way to truly succeed is to remain neutral in the War of the Three Banners, much like the Fighter's Guild. He also agreed that it was important to equally express both tenets in the new Code he developed to destroy evil where it exists, but also to protect and aid those who call out and in need. He also added values of brotherhood and respect and tolerance of the other cultures they will come into contact with, both from their own, and from those they help.

To complete his reforging of the Guild, he fell back upon his understanding of symbolism can be used to inspire and give hope to the masses. The Lion Guard serves that purpose for the people The Daggerfall Covenant, so he created a more formalized Order from the adventuring company of the Dawn Shield, creating a Code for the Shield to follow, creating a command structure, and raised a banner, so the members could wear it upon their Tabard, and the symbol itself would resonate in the hearts of the people.

Guild Location: The Dawn Shield has recently settled into the small locale of Cragwallow in Eastmarch.

[img] Shield Founders.jpg[/img]

Guild Leader [Grandmaster]: @Tormuck (Oenar Traven)
Officers [Wardens]: @Marshall599 (Sir Lucan Blackwell), @korvus.corax (Dame Ayalana Blackwell), @alouciafaye (Dornan)

OOC Information

The Dawn Shield is a Roleplaying Guild founded on ther NA Megaserver for The Elder Scrolls Online. We have been a part of the game since its founding, and while the guild is primarily an Ebonheart Pact Guild, there is long term plans to see about expanding to the other factions. We do enjoy engaging in PVE as well as PVE when not engaged in roleplay to encourage guild participation and involvement. How better to know the people you will be roleplaying with?

Our core group is comprised of roleplayers that have been on this megaserver since the game first was released and all of them and full and developed storylines connected with many other people in the roleplay community that will give you the opportunity to meet the roleplaying community as a whole fairly quickly.

Our guild is currently seeking out other roleplayers who strongly believe in such core values as compassion, honor, fellowship and justice as their character will get the chance to contribute to what has already been a very awesome story that began when this game went live. Your character will get the opportunity to roleplay with Shieldmates who not only share these values, but who will go out into Tamriel with you, and do their best to right wrongs, beat back the tide of darkness, and help the simple folk of Tamriel to heal and rebuild their lives. This will be done through a combination of helping you develop personal story as well as through the guild events we host, and also our participation in other community storylines. Your character could be any race, gener, and profession. Whether your character is a Knight, a scholar, thief, or even just a simple peasant farmer, the desire to give back to others and make Tamriel a better place is the key values here.

Come and join us and develop your own heroic tale as you help us shape our own!

We are a mature roleplaying guild and as such are looking for our members to be 18 or more years of age.

Guild Website:
Edited by clinton.hess_ESO on January 31, 2015 4:33AM
Oenar Traven, Master Smith of Wayrest
<The Dawn Shield>
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