Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)

ESO improvements that we STILL want and are waiting for . . .

I realize the devs have their hands full right now, but it will still be helpful if we, as the game community, remind them of things we want and expect to be in ESO:

*I will numerically list things that I want added to the game and/or refined in the game and those of you responding should pick from the list if you second the notion I.e. "I agree with 1, 5, 8, 11 and 15 and here are my suggestions . . . " and "I disagree with 2, 4, and 7," but try and keep it to things you do want to see so we don't get bogged down in the negatives

1) Cloaks
2) Player housing
3) More quests with puzzles
4) More conversation/dialogue options
5) Speechcraft (whatever that might entail)
6) Spears and spear skill line
7) One handed skill line
8) Spellcrafting (whatever that might entail)
9) More classes
10) Faction loyalty rewards/ achievements ( I.e all 8 of my characters are DC I should get something for my faction loyalty)
11) Improved Cyrodil mechanics
12) Improved UI and function
13) Cross faction zones
14) Bard guild
15) Brawling system
16) More entertaining tavern environments with side games and drinking challenges
17) Better guild UI and tools
18) Better PvP mechanics
19) Better Endgame experience
20) The list goes on . . .

Some of these things I have been advocating for the game to have even before Beta and it seems to me that the new ESO+ has a chance to capitalize and allow players to customize their play with experience in much the same way that Skyrim mods made Skyrim a much better game.
  • Joejudas
    A Raid specific non cash shop buyable token system used to get gear pieces that are bind on token purchase....cause the RNG in this game makes me sick
    Edited by Joejudas on January 27, 2015 9:37AM
  • Messy1
    Joejudas wrote: »
    A Raid specific non cash shop buyable token system used to get gear pieces that are bind on token purchase....cause the RNG in this game makes me sick

    Nothing else on my list struck your fancy?
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    11 and 12.

    Without acceptable performance in Cyrodiil, a part of the game which is still advertised as a main attraction is an unimportant sideshow.
    The current out-of-combat UI is lacking in many respects, both in terms of layout and function. The non-functional grouping tool and the total mess they made of guild banks and guild stores are the most striking examples to me.

    This game doesn't really need a lot of new stuff. It would be a pretty great experience if only it worked like it was supposed to.
  • Messy1
    Joejudas wrote: »
    A Raid specific non cash shop buyable token system used to get gear pieces that are bind on token purchase....cause the RNG in this game makes me sick

    Also this smacks of the WoW system too much. They should implement something else.
  • Razzak
    A grouping tool that actually groups players.
  • jesusch
    Soul Shriven
    Amazing ideas,
    In adittion for your great improvements:
    21) Pre-quest for endgame dungeons/raids.
    22) Housing again.
    23) Survival mechanics (like thirst, exhaustion for take a nap or hungry).

    And much more I will think!
  • mizuno2020ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Don't forget the Global Auction House and a better search system for it!
  • LordTareq
    24) Fatality animations in PvE to make the bland combat more interesting to look at.
  • Brittany_Joy
    I really have to emphasize
    1) Cloaks
    2) Player housing
    6) Spears and spear skill line
    19) Better Endgame experience

    Those are the key things I want from ESO. More dialogue is unnecessary because there is already so much dialogue.

    I really want;
    1)Short, straight-to-the-point Dialogue.
    2)Visually impressive armor (For example; Skyrim's Daedric Armor, ebony black with glowing red. Armor that changes and has particles. No tasteless skimpy stuff, please.)
    3)Improved Sky (More variety of star/galaxy and colors. Less cloudy/rainy sky)
  • Vegaroth
    8, 12, 17 and 19.
  • Faulgor
    I'd still like a better enchanting system. It's so underutilized compared to previous TES games, it's quite sad. And with the upcoming provisioning revamp, I see no reason they couldn't revamp enchanting, too.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • Leeric
    Weapon swap lag....and the fact that every now and then my character has the i dropped a deuce walk when carrying a sure console owners are going to love those....
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    2, 9 and 14 I wouldn't mind seeing.

    I can't agree with cloaks at all, I hate cloaks in games. Clipping, ugly eye sores.

    What I want, and what we were told would be coming, are Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild.

    The problem I had, and others that left around the same time I did, is this is barely half an Elder Scrolls game.

    It's missing key features, central guilds, that have been a part of Elder Scrolls for a damn long time.

    It did annoy me that they weren't available from the start. It's like they didn't/don't care about long time fans of the franchise that were hoping for a complete experience.
  • Kuro1n
    Messy1 wrote: »
    I realize the devs have their hands full right now, but it will still be helpful if we, as the game community, remind them of things we want and expect to be in ESO:

    *I will numerically list things that I want added to the game and/or refined in the game and those of you responding should pick from the list if you second the notion I.e. "I agree with 1, 5, 8, 11 and 15 and here are my suggestions . . . " and "I disagree with 2, 4, and 7," but try and keep it to things you do want to see so we don't get bogged down in the negatives

    1) Cloaks
    2) Player housing
    3) More quests with puzzles
    4) More conversation/dialogue options
    5) Speechcraft (whatever that might entail)
    6) Spears and spear skill line
    7) One handed skill line
    8) Spellcrafting (whatever that might entail)
    9) More classes
    10) Faction loyalty rewards/ achievements ( I.e all 8 of my characters are DC I should get something for my faction loyalty)
    11) Improved Cyrodil mechanics
    12) Improved UI and function
    13) Cross faction zones
    14) Bard guild
    15) Brawling system
    16) More entertaining tavern environments with side games and drinking challenges
    17) Better guild UI and tools
    18) Better PvP mechanics
    19) Better Endgame experience
    20) The list goes on . . .

    Some of these things I have been advocating for the game to have even before Beta and it seems to me that the new ESO+ has a chance to capitalize and allow players to customize their play with experience in much the same way that Skyrim mods made Skyrim a much better game.

    18, 11, 13 (if it included pvp), 9, 8, 19. The rest I don't really care about, if I wanted a great story I would read a book but fun minigames or different tasks I can enjoy with other players are also welcome. Most of all I would like more systems like EVE has, claiming an area with your guild and defend it for resources against other factions / guilds or whatever. Anything to promote player generated 'content'. Having devs churn out PVP content is not viable, just adding the possibility for players to make their own scenarios means that PVPers will be pretty much satisfied with decent performance and the different class balances and new skill lines every now and then to break up the FOTM when it gets stale. The justice system (if we get the PVP part) is a great example of a system where people might create their own stories and challenge themselves against others. I am also sure it will be used to hold duel events that would create a lot stronger community presence and bond PVPers and maybe even get non-PVPers into it.

    That is all.
    Edited by Kuro1n on January 27, 2015 12:09PM
  • Digiman
    Messy1 wrote: »
    I realize the devs have their hands full right now, but it will still be helpful if we, as the game community, remind them of things we want and expect to be in ESO:

    *I will numerically list things that I want added to the game and/or refined in the game and those of you responding should pick from the list if you second the notion I.e. "I agree with 1, 5, 8, 11 and 15 and here are my suggestions . . . " and "I disagree with 2, 4, and 7," but try and keep it to things you do want to see so we don't get bogged down in the negatives

    REALLY REQUIRED: Face sculpter to change appearance.

    1) Cloaks
    2) Player housing
    3) More quests with puzzles
    4) More conversation/dialogue options
    5) Speechcraft (whatever that might entail)
    6) Spears and spear skill line
    7) One handed skill line
    8) Spellcrafting (whatever that might entail)
    9) More classes
    10) Faction loyalty rewards/ achievements ( I.e all 8 of my characters are DC I should get something for my faction loyalty)
    11) Improved Cyrodil mechanics
    12) Improved UI and function
    13) Cross faction zones
    14) Bard guild
    15) Brawling system
    16) More entertaining tavern environments with side games and drinking challenges
    17) Better guild UI and tools
    18) Better PvP mechanics
    19) Better Endgame experience
    20) The list goes on . . .

    Some of these things I have been advocating for the game to have even before Beta and it seems to me that the new ESO+ has a chance to capitalize and allow players to customize their play with experience in much the same way that Skyrim mods made Skyrim a much better game.

  • LuxLunae
    Would you guys be ok with the housing being like a pigeonhole principle?

    I mean to make a house for every single person in the game is MADNESS!!
  • daemonios
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Would you guys be ok with the housing being like a pigeonhole principle?

    I mean to make a house for every single person in the game is MADNESS!!

    Easily solved by making player houses instanced areas accessible via portal/NPC. It's been done in a couple of games. I also don't want to see the ugly mess that was player housing in UO (looked like a maze of slums).
  • frosth.darkomenb16_ESO
    Don't forget the Global Auction House and a better search system for it!

    I'm actually supporting the lack of global auction house.
    Localised markets is great for a trader gameplay element to emerge.

    Buy from one guild store that sells something low and sell it high to another one.

    it also slows down inflation and market destruction some patches can bring in to the game. It gives more time to react.

    But I get the convenience argument, but in this case we woudl lose out gameplay possibilities.
  • nerevarine1138
    This is the royal "we", right OP?

    Because I want some of those things, but others sound completely pointless/impractical in an MMO setting. And I'm sure other people have their own lists.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Would you guys be ok with the housing being like a pigeonhole principle?

    I mean to make a house for every single person in the game is MADNESS!!

    Other games do it instanced.

    Final Fantasy 14 and Lord of the Rings has instance small villages so buying a house makes it a small community.

    Wildstar and SWTOR has it solo instanced so it's just your house but you can visit others.

    I prefer the mini villages. Have groups of 10 or so houses instanced off.

    I don't think it would be possible to do it like ArcheAge, there isn't enough room. Unless they made a massive continent just for housing but then it would still be limited in how many spaces there are.

    Instancing them off would probably be the way to go.
  • cravnbeer
    Spellcrafting. I have felt bored to death with the limited skill choices on my sorc.
  • Messy1
    daemonios wrote: »
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Would you guys be ok with the housing being like a pigeonhole principle?

    I mean to make a house for every single person in the game is MADNESS!!

    Easily solved by making player houses instanced areas accessible via portal/NPC. It's been done in a couple of games. I also don't want to see the ugly mess that was player housing in UO (looked like a maze of slums).

    Star Trek Online had a good system in which players could visit other players ships and invite other players to join them in their instanced ship do they could run around RP and do all sorts of things. It was a GREAT feature. For ESO I would expect something a long more similar lines, but with the ability to really customize and plan the layout of the house.

    Also I think that different housing options should be available to fit different player's styles:
    Hovel - A portable place to sleep with a hidden compartment to store treasure setup up with command /hovel
    Campsite - A portable housing that can be setup with a command called /campsite (would have a fire pit for provisioning, a tent, a chest for storage, and your choice of blacksmith or alchemy station or woodworking station or enchanting station or clothing station)
    Wagon home - a portable housing that can be setup up with /wagon. Has provisioning station and your choice of 2 other crafting stations plus storage
    Cottage- A fixed instanced small house with a few rooms provisioning choice of 3 other crafting stations plus storage
    Manor - fixed instanced An elegant home with many rooms, provisioning and 4 other crafting stations plus storage a house attendant
    Keep - fixed instanced a small yet elegant fortified keep with many many rooms, all crafting stations ample storage, a castlletan that you can buy and sell things from.
    Mages tower- fixed instance smaller than the keep but with same features but cool looking for magic users
    Warrior Hall - fixed instance same thing as mages tower but for warriors

    *Now for all these types of player abodes they should be fully customizable with furnishings, banners, crests, colors, design. Also they should cost different amounts of gold and should be buyable from crown shop and available in game for a higher amount of gold. Design options will make your abode look slightly different from other players housing, think interchangeable modules. Portable housing should have the ability to be setup anywhere in tamriel that is prudent and if the player strays too far from their campsite or wshon or hovel it automatically packs up until setup again. Also players should be able to own portable housing and fixed instanced housing, but only one of each. Upgrades to portable housing and fixed housing should have appropriate costs and options.
  • frosth.darkomenb16_ESO
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Would you guys be ok with the housing being like a pigeonhole principle?

    I mean to make a house for every single person in the game is MADNESS!!

    Other games do it instanced.

    Final Fantasy 14 and Lord of the Rings has instance small villages so buying a house makes it a small community.

    Wildstar and SWTOR has it solo instanced so it's just your house but you can visit others.

    I prefer the mini villages. Have groups of 10 or so houses instanced off.

    I don't think it would be possible to do it like ArcheAge, there isn't enough room. Unless they made a massive continent just for housing but then it would still be limited in how many spaces there are.

    Instancing them off would probably be the way to go.

    I agree with you. The instanced little village would be probably best for the ESO crowd.

    However, Darkfall Online had a non instanced system of little villages. You had to pay rent to keep control of the slot. As you said, the village aspect made it amazing, and the fact that it was non instanced made it feel very personal.
    Yo ucould also have a gnome that served to sell items to whomever came next to your house.

    They could pick locations in cities, or in the midle of zones, and have them exist in 3 instances, one for each faction.

    But again ,that could be impractical as ESO's population is multiple times larger than Darkfall. Instanced is the way to go.
  • SoulScream
    I would like the mail to work. I still have to relog/zone every day to get mail. It has been a year of this!!!
  • Iago
    Messy1 wrote: »
    I realize the devs have their hands full right now, but it will still be helpful if we, as the game community, remind them of things we want and expect to be in ESO:

    *I will numerically list things that I want added to the game and/or refined in the game and those of you responding should pick from the list if you second the notion I.e. "I agree with 1, 5, 8, 11 and 15 and here are my suggestions . . . " and "I disagree with 2, 4, and 7," but try and keep it to things you do want to see so we don't get bogged down in the negatives

    1) Cloaks
    2) Player housing
    3) More quests with puzzles
    4) More conversation/dialogue options
    5) Speechcraft (whatever that might entail)
    6) Spears and spear skill line
    7) One handed skill line
    8) Spellcrafting (whatever that might entail)
    9) More classes
    10) Faction loyalty rewards/ achievements ( I.e all 8 of my characters are DC I should get something for my faction loyalty)
    11) Improved Cyrodil mechanics
    12) Improved UI and function
    13) Cross faction zones
    14) Bard guild
    15) Brawling system
    16) More entertaining tavern environments with side games and drinking challenges
    17) Better guild UI and tools
    18) Better PvP mechanics
    19) Better Endgame experience
    20) The list goes on . . .

    Some of these things I have been advocating for the game to have even before Beta and it seems to me that the new ESO+ has a chance to capitalize and allow players to customize their play with experience in much the same way that Skyrim mods made Skyrim a much better game.

    Also fix the dang WW's please
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • WillhelmBlack
    In-game voice chat for 16.
    PC EU
  • Iago
    In-game voice chat for 16.

    I second this motion
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • jesusch
    Soul Shriven
    The improvement of the search tools in the action house is, indeed, a must!

    Added: Modification in the combat system. Hates AoE actually PvE/PvP system... where is the tactics? The CC's dependence?
    Edited by jesusch on January 28, 2015 10:07AM
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