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How should Spellcrafting be implemented?

How should Spellcrafting be implemented?
Edited by MisterBigglesworth on January 27, 2015 4:02AM
Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.

How should Spellcrafting be implemented? 118 votes

As paid DLC
cozmon3c_ESOjra5658_ESOgimpdrb14_ESOKalmanSmaxxNukleusMorvulJitterbugEMacedo72ub17_ESOThatHappyCatCarnagananothermeBashevRomoSarevoccLanguish4567 16 votes
As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
KaynlorGandhiSlurgMisterBigglesworthnerevarine1138AhdoraLuxLunaeNotSoDirtySmeegs33Messy1JahoelRDMyers65b14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOjockjammerb16_ESOGigasaxGaldorPBugCollectorfrosth.darkomenb16_ESOAimoraJamersonb16_ESO 96 votes
As a purely optional cosmetic feature, with no actual effect on gameplay
OrangeTheCatWolfsspinneelias.stormneb18_ESOPBpsyH4or0nhk11 6 votes
  • dharbert
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    You left out the fourth option: It doesn't matter because we aren't getting it for a loooooong time, if ever.

    However, if it was implemented, it would have to be a core feature. There's no way around that.
    Edited by dharbert on January 27, 2015 5:06AM
  • AssaultLemming
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Lol biased poll is biased
  • Mettaricana
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    core other wise it would literally be a pay to win having to buy the option to make your own skills
  • Leeric
    It's not going to happen is my guess
  • frosth.darkomenb16_ESO
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    I would have liked another option:
    "Sooner by not changing business model and having subscriptions paying for gameplay changes."
  • LuxLunae
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Looking at the poll.. the people have spoken. Could we dual wield magic in this game? like fire in one hand and ice in the other?
  • Wolfsspinne
    As a purely optional cosmetic feature, with no actual effect on gameplay
    Spellmaking is a nice feature but it doesn't work in the context of a competitive MMORPG.
    What would be the gain if everyone would "craft" the same "most effective spell"?!

    Take a look at the spells right now:
    They aren't even able to ballance all skills with fixed stats.
    How could they ever be able to ballance skills with dynamcly calculated stats?!
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Crafting your own skills could be seen as pay to win if they charged for it.
  • nerevarine1138
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    I'm actually guessing that Spellcrafting will be in one of the updates that apply to the game as a whole, rather than being paid DLC. Not necessarily because I believe that ZO wouldn't want to make money off it, but because it seems much harder to place a skill like that behind a paygate and maintain any sense of balance in the game.
  • Ahdora
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Spellmaking is a nice feature but it doesn't work in the context of a competitive MMORPG.
    What would be the gain if everyone would "craft" the same "most effective spell"?!

    Take a look at the spells right now:
    They aren't even able to ballance all skills with fixed stats.
    How could they ever be able to ballance skills with dynamcly calculated stats?!


    ZOS didn't agree with you, at least at one point, since spellcrafting was announced for the game. However, the verbiage has now changed to "spellcrafting is something we'd still like to see in the game," rather than it being planned for the game, and no more information or plans have been shared.
    Edited by Ahdora on January 27, 2015 3:52PM
    Heals With Stick, V11 Argonian Nightblade Healer, NA-EP
  • PBpsy
    As a purely optional cosmetic feature, with no actual effect on gameplay
    It doesn't mater because in the end ZOS would manage to neuter it into complete crap. Better start with a useless thing than having ZOS pretend they are doing stuff for months 'balancing' another system.
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
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  • Messy1
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    I just hope certain classes oh idk like SORCERER get some sort of advatage in spell crafting

    And, the champion system could tie in nicely with spell crafting if there are constellation choices to improve specific spell crafting skills.

  • Kraven
    You're assuming it IS going to happen. Considering even the developers are now saying "Spell crafting is something we would still like to see eventually." doesn't bode well.

    It MAY happen.

    You're also assuming Should and Will are in the same ballpark. What 'Should' be done has no bearing on what will be done. Depends on where the game sits financially if the system is ever actually developed.
    Edited by Kraven on January 27, 2015 2:28PM

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • AlexDougherty
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    It has to be as a core aspect or not at all, but they also need to make sure it's not too powerful, otherwise it will render that classes pointless.(And not in the TV quiz show way)

    I like the classes, all of them.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Ahdora wrote: »
    They have already announced a spellcrafting system, so apparently they found a way to make it work.

    They also told us we'd be getting Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild yet I haven't heard any more news on that in about a year.

    Until it's actually in the game I take what I hear from ZOS with a pinch of salt.

    Put simply, I don't believe a damn word they say until i'm proven wrong. The difference between me and cynical that rage at the game is I really hope they prove me wrong one day.
  • Taself
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Should be core. But really really want to see jewelry crafting first.
  • AlexDougherty
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Taself wrote: »
    Should be core. But really really want to see jewelry crafting first.

    Oh god yes.

    I really want to craft jewellery for sets, let me have two full sets and a third with two pieces.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Snowstrider
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Free of course,Alongside with Imperial city pvp which also NEEDS to be free.
  • Lorkhan
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    every skill/gear avaible to every player always. +1 to free imperial city. its not about money, as i could pay for this be free to everybody
  • MornaBaine
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Spellmaking is a nice feature but it doesn't work in the context of a competitive MMORPG.
    What would be the gain if everyone would "craft" the same "most effective spell"?!

    Take a look at the spells right now:
    They aren't even able to ballance all skills with fixed stats.
    How could they ever be able to ballance skills with dynamcly calculated stats?!

    Damage done by spells via spellcrafting will simply be in line with other spells already in the game. You'll have your ice mages as an equal but opposite counterpoint to those who use primarily fire stuff now. The new "pet class" will be of the "raise undead" variety so we can FINALLY have NECROMANCERS. We may get a "pet class" suitable for the Druid/Wyress archetype. (Caveat, this is speculation on my part but it makes sense.) It's really more a matter of theme and I doubt we'll see anything radically different as far as effect from those spells that are already in the game.

    After everything they have pulled on us they OWE us Spellcrafting and if they decide not to do it I am going to absolutely HATE them for it. It might well be the final broken promise I can't handle.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Ahdora
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Ahdora wrote: »
    They have already announced a spellcrafting system, so apparently they found a way to make it work.

    They also told us we'd be getting Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild yet I haven't heard any more news on that in about a year.

    Until it's actually in the game I take what I hear from ZOS with a pinch of salt.

    Put simply, I don't believe a damn word they say until i'm proven wrong. The difference between me and cynical that rage at the game is I really hope they prove me wrong one day.

    Did you just stop reading after that sentence? Heh. I also said:

    "Of course, it being announced doesn't mean they'll do it. And now the verbiage on it has changed, to something along the lines of "spellcrafting is still something we'd like to see in the game," instead of it being planned for the future."
    Heals With Stick, V11 Argonian Nightblade Healer, NA-EP
  • Kraven
    Free of course,Alongside with Imperial city pvp which also NEEDS to be free.

    Hate to break it to you. The chances of Imp city being free are slim to none.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • Sindala
    Why poll like you have any sort of say in the matter?
    Zenimax has shown it doesn't listen to what they players want, only to the sound of cold hard cash.

    Spellcrafting will be DLC, you can bet your ass it will.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Wolfsspinne
    As a purely optional cosmetic feature, with no actual effect on gameplay
    Ahdora wrote: »
    Spellmaking is a nice feature but it doesn't work in the context of a competitive MMORPG.
    What would be the gain if everyone would "craft" the same "most effective spell"?!

    Take a look at the spells right now:
    They aren't even able to ballance all skills with fixed stats.
    How could they ever be able to ballance skills with dynamcly calculated stats?!

    They have already announced a spellcrafting system, so apparently they found a way to make it work.

    Of course, it being announced doesn't mean they'll do it. And now the verbiage on it has changed, to something along the lines of "spellcrafting is still something we'd like to see in the game," instead of it being planned for the future.

    Yaeh. It'll work just as fine as everything else in the game... like phasing or the grouping tool...

    It's not exactly like ZOS ever announced anything and then did a good Job on it in the first try.
  • GaldorP
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    It should be implemented SOON, as - opposed to the Justice system and the Imperial City - Spellcrafting actually has been announced as a working concept that makes the game more interesting:

    - It allows for more character individualization
    - It potentially allows for more variety in character builds
    - It adds new activities both for players that have reached the endgame as well as for for new players who have just started playing or very casual players that only play a few hours per month or week (though endgame players will probably benefit the most from it)
    - It's optional
    - It makes old areas interesting again (by placing secret entrances in many different locations)
    - It causes hardly any problems (tech-wise) when integrated in the existing game

    The only negative I see is that it could create new balance issues in PvP and trials (but those happen in almost any patch anyway).
  • AlexDougherty
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Sindala wrote: »
    Why poll like you have any sort of say in the matter?
    Zenimax has shown it doesn't listen to what they players want, only to the sound of cold hard cash.

    Spellcrafting will be DLC, you can bet your ass it will.

    Doubt it, if they make everything DLC then they will lose a lot of the fan base, and they need us to keep this game going.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
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    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Morthur
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    It should only be available to "real fans" of the game and ZOS and should require a special Tamriel Platinum Hyper Unlimited Brown-Tongue subscription for a mere $30 a month to remain active. Or you can buy it for only $299 as a life-time service!!! Wooohooo!!! It's so flexible!!! And also flexible!!!


    Sindala wrote: »
    Spellcrafting will be DLC, you can bet your ass it will.

    Doubt it, if they make everything DLC then they will lose a lot of the fan base, and they need us to keep this game going.

    You mean like that time when they repeatedly promised that the game would remain subscription based and that they would sooner shut down the servers then let it go F2P for the better part of a year and then turned around and told the loyal subscribers to go and *** themselves by making the game F2P? And not only that but to add insult to injury they also try and sell it (to gullible people like you) as something totally great for the game and the customers and how "exiting" and "flexible" it'll all be?

    Is that the kind of example of how you build a loyal customer base you were thinking of..?

    How uncritical and apologist can you get...? Is there simply no limit to how low people (and with them MMOs) will sink?
    Edited by Morthur on January 27, 2015 4:10PM
  • Ahdora
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Ahdora wrote: »
    Spellmaking is a nice feature but it doesn't work in the context of a competitive MMORPG.
    What would be the gain if everyone would "craft" the same "most effective spell"?!

    Take a look at the spells right now:
    They aren't even able to ballance all skills with fixed stats.
    How could they ever be able to ballance skills with dynamcly calculated stats?!

    They have already announced a spellcrafting system, so apparently they found a way to make it work.

    Of course, it being announced doesn't mean they'll do it. And now the verbiage on it has changed, to something along the lines of "spellcrafting is still something we'd like to see in the game," instead of it being planned for the future.

    Yaeh. It'll work just as fine as everything else in the game... like phasing or the grouping tool...

    It's not exactly like ZOS ever announced anything and then did a good Job on it in the first try.

    I didn't say it would work well. It probably won't, IF it even makes it into the game. I was just letting that person know that it had been planned already, since they seemed to think it wasn't possible. They didn't seem to know that it was, at least at one point, planned.

    I'm going to go back and edit my post now, since two people have taken it in entirely the wrong way and I have no wish to continue coming back to address those kinds of misunderstandings.
    Heals With Stick, V11 Argonian Nightblade Healer, NA-EP
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    As a core game feature, available to everyone free of charge
    Ahdora wrote: »
    Did you just stop reading after that sentence? Heh. I also said:

    "Of course, it being announced doesn't mean they'll do it. And now the verbiage on it has changed, to something along the lines of "spellcrafting is still something we'd like to see in the game," instead of it being planned for the future."

    I did, my mistake.

    I apologise, I missed that part.
  • Marthenil
    Buy super powerful spells with Crowns, that's how.
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