Why do people think one of the best class skills in game is useless?
Because it doesn't work the way it should most of the time.
Something tells me you don't pvp
It's obvious that zos can't get it to work properly in its current form, so why not change it entirely?
Shadow cloak:
Surround yourself in shadows, providing immunity to all damage and effects for 2.5 seconds and granting hidden for the duration.
Same morphs as current.
Full immunity for the duration means no premature failures due to whatever effects, and makes it a proper defensive skill for nightblades.
and idk how its a damage mitigation skill... multiple times I Have still been hit by both ranged and melee attacks after using it.
If someone wastes an detect pot, yeah you'll get hit. That's when you dodge roll once or twice, and then return to your regularly scheduled rotation.
I seriously worry that NBs are going to get Cloak changed with all with QQ, either into something that doesn't have its current flexibility or into some overpowered monstrosity. It's seriously done, this is a l2p issue
The devs have confirmed that it is not working as intended, there's no l2p involved here.
My alliance war rank says otherwise.
@Teargrants please inform the troops, there has been a development. I cannot lead tonight's glorious raid because I apparently don't pvp
If someone wastes an detect pot, yeah you'll get hit. That's when you dodge roll once or twice, and then return to your regularly scheduled rotation.
I seriously worry that NBs are going to get Cloak changed with all with QQ, either into something that doesn't have its current flexibility or into some overpowered monstrosity. It's seriously done, this is a l2p issue
you don't understand...
it lasts 0.5 or less seconds, out of the full 2.9 seconds.... the tooltip is either lying or the skill is broken. detect pots have nothing to do with it.
if you can still manage to use it effectively, well good for you. I envy you. however, not everyone has the mana to spam it relentlessly to get it to work for them.
So when I as a NB can Lotus Fan you from ~20 meters away WHILE you are stealthed using Dark Cloak you don't see that as a broken ability? I laugh at other NB's in PvP when they use it because I just Lotus Fan them to de-stealth them and when they try and use it again the bleed Lotus Fan put on them immediately re-breaks it. The ability is supposed to remove harmful effects on the NB and put them into Stealth for up to 2.9 sec, it does neither reliably atm.
Devs confirm a lot of things. I use it to great success and fight NBs who do the same. In good hands it is extremely effective which is why I want no buff and maintain it is a L2P issue.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Personally I would hope that if the cloak was changed, they'd also make it an on/off toggle, constant magica drain while active skill to be more useful sneaking past mobs... nowadays you often have to time it -just- right to get past an stealth detection range...
The rest I agree with, this function would seem far less prone to fizzling liike it does now!
You can't have immunity + stealth that would be OP as *** haha.
Make it work with the 3+ negative cleanse and that should balance it out. It lasts 0.5 secs @Cody because you got too many dots on yourself even with the cleanse. (Though this is bugged sort of at the moment I've heard?).
Devs confirm a lot of things. I use it to great success and fight NBs who do the same. In good hands it is extremely effective which is why I want no buff and maintain it is a L2P issue.
Are you.. implying that not only is Shadow Cloak not broken, but that the devs are lying about it still having issues...?
So when I as a NB can Lotus Fan you from ~20 meters away WHILE you are stealthed using Dark Cloak you don't see that as a broken ability? I laugh at other NB's in PvP when they use it because I just Lotus Fan them to de-stealth them and when they try and use it again the bleed Lotus Fan put on them immediately re-breaks it. The ability is supposed to remove harmful effects on the NB and put them into Stealth for up to 2.9 sec, it does neither reliably atm.
EDIT: I don't want it buffed either, just fixed once and for all so that it works 100% as the tooltip says it's supposed to.
I think when people complain hard enough, suddenly things are "not working as intended". And considering how I use and have seen Cloak used, I assume that it is not broken. In good hands it functions perfectly.
In all fairness, devs have stated multiple times that Shadow Cloak breaks when not supposed to. It's not something the whiny NB mafia came up with, to manipulate gullible developers lol. Skill isn't working according to the tool-tip info, like many other skills in ESO. That doesn't means these skills, Cloak included, never works ofc.
But devs also said there's balancing issues with Cloak. If it did everything people here wanted or expected it to, you be looking at the best skill in the game. Being 100% invisible and untargetable at any point in PvP, only one key stroke away than dish out a stealth attack, would be pretty OP.
I don't think you understand how Lotus Fan actually works. The NB using it has to have a TARGET to jump to, THEN it causes an AOE Slow/Bleed. When a NB is stealthed via dark Cloak they are NOT supposed to be targetable, yet I do it all the time. I cannot however Lotus Fan jump to a Vampire using Elusive Mist. I also cannot use ANY other targeted abilities on a NB using Dark Cloak like Crippling Grasp, Funnel Health, etc. I could spam AOE and hope to damage the player if they're still nearby though. So how do you explain that I can't use specific targeted abilities on a NB using Dark Cloak but I can teleport to them and de-stealth them via Lotus Fan and the Bleed caused by it then immediately de-stealths that NB if they try and recloak up.I dont see your point.
Using an aoe skill straight away after your enemy has just vanished in front of you has been the usual strategy since the first time I met a stealth mechanic in a mmorpg.
Why do you feel you should not be taken out of stealth when you are being stabbed in the back or burnt in a fire ring?
If the skill sometimes fails to cleanse the dots (it has a max) then its obvious it requires a fix, not arguing that, but to read that they should make a toggleable stealth or change it to give you total immunity, or not be taken out of stealth even if you are damaged...
If you dont want your enemy to break your stealth then time a stun before you pretend to vanish or wait to be out of his range.
I think I'm convinced by all the forum blades, they're right you're just a figment of my imagination. The months of duo ganking was really just me and my shadow (which I named Auohildr Hjoras). And to think, here I was believing you were so awesome when it was just me all along.
My alliance war rank says otherwise.
@Teargrants please inform the troops, there has been a development. I cannot lead tonight's glorious raid because I apparently don't pvp