Honestly I have no idea how this could be a good thing. I understand trying to get this out on console ASAP as Neverwinter is going console in a month or so, but couldn't ZOS find a better way to do this other than bring this in as a P2W system?
My story not that it matters I guess, but I will share it here.
I was so pumped about ESO for the last 2 years. When I knew that the xboxone was going to get it I preordered it and then the game was held back.. I was not happy, but I knew it would come to console at some point so I was a hold out until last MONTH! I broke down and dropped my $70.00 dollars on ESO because the guy at the store advised me that ESO console was just rolled back again till NEXT YEAR!!
Well I have been playing for exactly 12 days.. 12 DAYS..!!! and now this is what happens? SRSLY?
I am not going to scream about a refund "I think I should get one though" but life goes on I guess.
Thing is I was one of the people that WANTED the game to STA Y SUB FEE based even on the console. I am an older gamer from EQ/Asherons Call. Two of the first MMO'S made. I have tried about every MMO on the market and I must agree for the most part the kind of people that P2W/BTP bring into the game are HORRIBLE for the longevity/ long term health of the game. IMHO.
I am sitting here feeling like I held out hope until I caved in and bought ESO for the PC then I was betrayed/ lied to just days afterwards.
Am I misinformed or is the END game for ESO mostly centered around PvP? If that is the case there is absolutely NO WAY I will be playing this game after BTP/P2W happens.. Why in the world would ANYONE want to play this game and work and put time into building a character just to have some 11 year old with daddies credit card come in and wipe the floor with you?
I just do not know what will become of ESO, but I do hold out my last hope that there is a system something like RIFT. That cash shop system seems to be the fairest of all the cash shop games I have played. GW2 was until about a year ago.
Any thoughts on the cash shop and the fairness of PvP after it hits?
Edited by Funkopotamus on January 24, 2015 9:31PM Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington