Being a long time MMO fan who lives in Australia, life is not easy.
During your prime time hardly anyone is on, maintenance tends to occur right in the middle of your prime time, Christmas festivals always seem to include some kind of snow theme.... and so on.
All these things I have come to accept and still have managed to enjoy a growing list of MMOs.
One of the big draw cards for me regarding ESO was the megaserver concept.
"Finally" I thought. "All the Oceanic players will be assembled in one place. It will be Gallipoli all over again, except this time the Poms wont be in charge so we probably wont die as much. The Americans wont have seen a shite-storm like this since Kate Perry got her norks out on Sesame Street."
That was way back in Feb 2014. I left the game in July of the same year for various reasons none of which had anything to do with my enjoyment of ESO.
I returned 2 days ago around the 20 Jan....... to silence.
Previously I remember hordes of players running around zones rolling dolmens, lairs, public dungeons, a chat filled with people offering all kind of things and arguing over the enormous C.O.D price. Now there is, well, silence.
During a 5 hour questing session in Grahtwood I came across one other human player and asked him where all the people went? He tells me that the remaining survivors of the "no-longer-new-game apocalypse" are holed up in Mournhold and Craglorn and that no one quests out here anymore..... True to form during my daytime hours - which I rarely get to play in - there are people in these places, either grinding till their eyes bleed or spamming zone for pledge groups.
During Aus primetime...... tumbleweeds even for these two post apocalypse zombie-like activities.
I'm hoping there is an Oceanic trials guild out that that would like a V12 Temp Healer who wants to run regular Trials, likes guild PVP, loves ESO crafting and generally wants to play the game.
If I am unable to find a guild like this then I don't see how I can continue playing. This game currently for a player in my time zone feels emptier that Dragon Age Inquisition....
TL:DR - Aus VR Healer LF active, trial running, Oceanic Guild - EP US Server
Edited by dredarius on January 23, 2015 12:50PM