Large group pve content

Though I thought the Trials were fun, it wasn't what I was looking for as far as "raid" content. There is so much detail put into this game, so much eye candy...and yet the focus was on burning through in under 10 minutes. I hope this isn't a trend that is going to keep on happening in future content. I found the emphasis on speed and finding the most exploitive time shaving tactics as being frustrating, and completely unenjoyable.

If you took the emphasis on time out of the trials altogether I loved it. Now, perhaps I am the minority on this matter but I would personally like to see this completely removed. Not because of the time emphasis itself, but becuase thats all everyone is looking for. If you even hint that you are remotely casual or that you are playing your charcter outside the accepted norm then you just won't get a group.
  • Robbmrp
    If you even hint that you are remotely casual or that you are playing your charcter outside the accepted norm then you just won't get a group.

    If your on the US server hit me up with a friend invite. I am always looking for other casual gamers who actually like to explore dungeons.
    NA Server - Kildair
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