With the advent of the game going free to play I will not be playing the game anymore. I hate free to play mmo's, I know many here will mock my choice but I don't really care.
I would rather see the servers shut down and the game die than to see it go free to play.
All free to play mmo's have some sort of pay to win element to them which will mean you will end up spending more cash each month to be competitive in pvp, and will be forced to buy access to dungeons that are in the game and new ones that are going to be released.
Bank space will be limited as will guild chat. I have seen this two tier system before in another mmo. Hated it there and I will hate it in this game.
Also I feel I have been lied to by the developers after all they said about the game not going free to play only to turn around and break that promise. If I had known this was on the road map for the game I would never of even bought it.
TESO is the last mmo I was going to invest my time in, but with my hatred of free to play mmo's it is time to say good bye.