I don't know how many times I've tried to search for something about the game to get help or info and can never find out anything on it. I usually get 10 different links to Elder Scrolls"wikis" that literally amounts to nothing more than a black page.
Example, I'm trying to find out what city the items for lvl 6 woodworking writs go and have found nothing on it but links to pages that just explain what writs are and how to do them.
Every online game has one. Guild Wars has one, Guild Wars 2 has it's own separate one, DOTA 2 has a very in-depth one for crying out load.
I know there is technically an official Elder Scrolls wiki but I mean one just for Elder Scrolls Online. When I'm trying to find out something on an item that's been in every Elder Scrolls game and I have to sort threw several different pages to finally find the page for the online version just to be meet with a blank page or a page with one sentence, it makes me want to just snap my keyboard in half.