This is an idea I have been working on for awhile and wanted to get some feedback from the community on. This idea incorporates what I assume ( which can get people in trouble ) some of the existing technology within the game to provide zones that are more like guided sandbox hubs. Additionally it would use the upcoming Justice System as well, but I am again making some assumptions on how that is going to work as well, please bare with me.
Assuming that with the Champion system players are able to earn some form of negative reputation for repeatedly breaking the law and can become wanted, much like in other Elder Scrolls Games, I wanted to make sure that those players are also represented. I understand the system is in development so anything could happen, these are just some thoughts.
There would be three zones, one per Alliance, each with a City hub and a Bandit hub as well as 2-3 forts controllable by either the City or the Bandits. Each hub would have various buildings that would be sponsored by a guild using the rotating weekly bidding system already in place. While sponsored the guild would get a static bonus based on the type of the building and possibly a vendor. These zones could also be made available to other factions through the completion of the Cadwell's silver and gold quests, potentially giving the completion of those quests a bit more weight.
The City hub would work as any normal city with guards keeping any bandits and those with bounties at bay. The bandit hub would have essentially the same buildings as the city hub but perhaps a different set of guild buffs. The various forts would be up for grabs by either factions and provide a small selection of guild sponsor opportunities.
For the various buffs and sponsor benefits, I was thinking things like, owning the bar would give your guild a 10% drop rate on Drink Provisioning Recipes, owning the bakery would give you a 10% drop rate on Food Provisioning Recipes. Each would give your guild access to a small selection of non combat recipes such as a drink that turns you into a Goblin.
All buildings in these zones would use the Cyrodiil mechanics and be fully destructible and it would be the responsibility of the guild sponsor to maintain and repair any damage to these buildings. Additionally these zones would be scaled like Cyrodiil and be available from 10-50, providing rotating daily quests with bags leveled to the character who completes the quest.
Through out the day or week respectively, PvE events would occur where the city hub must be protected by roaming monsters, bandits, cultists, daedra. Additionally the city or the bandits could organize raids on one another, hopefully through inter-guild cooperation or weekly quests. Quests could include crafting or PvP quests with materials or gear drops from leveled bags as well as some PvE quests that could give you access to a pet vendor of some sort.
Any ideas on things to add, different buffs, ways to make the zone more of an open sandbox feel?
"It is very, very sad being mortal. There is happiness, yes. But mostly sadness. As I have said, count only the happy hours." - Vivec
XBOX - EP: Sen Sadri ( DE NB )