Perhaps I missed this while watching the stream yesterday afternoon, but was there any mention of changing dual wield animations based on type of weapons used? For example, with the skill Rapid Strikes, if the player is holding a dagger, the animation makes sense (though it still appears to be very robotic and not natural) -- a series of thrusts. However if the player is holding hammers or axes, the animation is still a series of thrusts -- which makes no sense considering the weapons in play.
Those animations should be changed to represent the uniqueness of the weapons you hold. For example, Rapid Strikes with swords/axes/hammers should be a series of slashing motions, not thrusts. Perhaps the axe and mace slashes should look more "weighty" than those of swords, but those three weapon types should not share an animation with daggers.
It just looks awful.
Thanks! Great show,