I imagine this is just a few people trying to test out some viable builds for pets in preparation for when they get buffed in 1.6, but I must say after some great battles and 1v1s with some people running them its got me quite exited.
(Shout out to Cpt Blink if you see this I'd love to know your build) I bumped into this guy who was running 2 pets and it was a super tough and survivable fight that went on for ages, it seemed like a pretty solid build and if people can run pet builds like this pre patch then its gonna be quite exciting to see what can be done with pets post patch.
I know they get a lot of hate (me included) but after that encounter it kind of changed my mind a bit, he wasn't the first person i fought that evening that whacked out a pet either.
Just my thoughts on the matter, I was surprised at myself even considering them o_0
Rhysuss - V14 Altmer Sorcerer AD
Grif Ormax - V1 Breton Templar AD
Eronon Darkly - 43 Dunmer Dragonknight AD
Thats Not Me - 22 Khajit Nightblade AD
Eternity – S.W.A.T – Arena – Tamriel Traders – Pug Lyf